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  • Curious about ffxiv bannings

    Discussion in 'Rebornbuddy Forum' started by klepp0906, May 15, 2015.

    1. klepp0906

      klepp0906 Banned

      Apr 25, 2013
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      I played ffxiv very avidly until wod. Just got pinched. Considering coming back and I have a few inquiries.

      1) this was very primitive at that point. Has it came along? For example it had no pvp, that finally make it in?

      2) square used to basically not ban. I assume it's largely due to the fact that bots aren't nearly as rife as in other games. Is it still that way? IE: you can bot your heart out so long as your not repeatedly reported?

      I had known of people running 24/7/365 and never got banned. In wow that would have had you nailed real quick based off playtime. Square apparently didn't have a tripwire/flag for Inhuman playtime or just didn't care, still the case?

      Yea, after 10 years of wow and losing my god-toon I'm a wee paranoid but eager and optimistic to start anew.

      (not sure if this is against the rules here but where can I go to trade some new ffxiv keys for a wow key?). Just delete this part if it poses an issue mr mods please.
      Last edited: May 15, 2015
    2. Neverdyne

      Neverdyne Community Developer

      Sep 12, 2014
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      1. The game is very good if you like PvE, there's been a lot of raids and dungeons added, plus several questing story lines for high levels. It has PvP now, but it's not particularly good compared to WoW in my opinion.

      2. Getting banned in FFXIV using Rebornbuddy is a very rare occurrence. I've got 2 dedicated "gathering bots" that I run 24/7 and have never gotten even a warning. They seem to have no means of detection other than someone watching you do something very bottish. Other bots out there let you do stuff that Rebornbuddy cannot, like teleport hack dungeons (where your characters teleport around the dungeon in the air so mobs can't hit them). People have gotten banned for doing that, and it seems it's mostly due to a GM watching them teleport around. But on the Rebornbuddy side of things, it's pretty safe.
    3. klepp0906

      klepp0906 Banned

      Apr 25, 2013
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      Thank you for the reply. So on the bot end things seem roughly the same.

      As for number one I was referring to rebornbuddy not the game itself :p sorry lol. (Ie: does rebornbuddy have PVP/auto queue support)

      Good to know either way thoigh. Quit after finishing my relic novus and I'm likely going to come back, just wanted to know where things stood.
    4. Miter

      Miter New Member

      Feb 12, 2015
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      Let me add, you can get reported multiple times and still have no ban. The rule of thumb is don't do anything overly hacky (read: teleporting) and you'll be safe.
    5. MasterKilj

      MasterKilj Member

      Sep 18, 2010
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      Not sure if that is fully the case anymore. On my main server an entire FC that had multiple botters in it lost about 200 million gil and the top 3 officers where perma banned. Might not have been a rebornbuddy bot but when I do try to bot in fates I see a conga line that still easily shows who is botting and on the more popular servers people get pissed off easily seeing other bots. Balmung has alot of spotters and people who report and spam shout which other people seem to quickly jump on.

      I out of curiousity sake keep a list of names of people who I see botting and so far about half that list has seemed to vanish within the last month or two. I would personally not bot 24/7 anymore. Heavensward is around the corner and maybe SE is going to dump some luggage with bans and unlike wow SE removes gil made through botting.

      More and more people are moving away from fates as the primary way to level minus bots. Most legit people seem to do leve quests now so you can see alot of botters in fates.
    6. parrot

      parrot Community Developer

      Feb 5, 2012
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      The pve part of the game is great and youll find that square has kept their word and provided us with many major content updates. We have pvp but its not very good at this point and whats worse is that queue times can be horrible. 1hour for frontlines (battlegrounds) is not uncommon. Reborn buddy does not support pvp at this point but it has gotten better overall with more functionality added. It is definitely actively developed.

      Im not sure what state the bot was in when you left but ive used it for a year now and it has come a long way since then imo.
    7. Gotsago

      Gotsago New Member Legendary

      Sep 13, 2011
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      Doubt SE is too worried about bots right this second. They've gotten pretty good at getting rid of the "hardcore" botters (people who teleport in the open/dungeons). Fates will likely be a go-to way to level with the new jobs coming out, unless they add more quests for you to do from 30-50. As more and more devs come over from HB we will hopefully see a better RB.

      IMO if you don't do PVP and you don't teleport you are pretty safe botting in FFXIV. So far I haven't seen many bans coming from people that just use their bot to fate grind or gather grind (unless they teleport). PVP bots get dropped pretty quick since SE takes player reports seriously.
    8. MasterKilj

      MasterKilj Member

      Sep 18, 2010
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      SE may take reports seriously but they have such a small team that deals with cheating/botting that unless its blatant and requires careful observation you could get away with botting for a very long time before SE even does anything about it. The hardcore part comes from where SE deletes all of your gil/supplies once you are temp banned. Ive seen FC lose over 200 million gil.
    9. Gotsago

      Gotsago New Member Legendary

      Sep 13, 2011
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      Yep, their team is really good about getting all the accounts involved in a ring. It still just comes down to don't be a blatant idiot and you should be fine. :p
    10. Muiramas

      Muiramas Member

      Apr 7, 2015
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      Nice thing about the business industry, You enemies enemy is your friend to an extent, Being if WoW botters migrate to FFXIV it ruins the player experience for competitors, by ruining the experience here people will probably go back to World of Warcraft for a balanced experience.

      That said, I run 3 individual bots almost 24/7 aswell and I have never been bothered reported, I record all my whispers from other players in Logs and I've never gotten anything other than Gold Spammers whisper my bots.

      Just having a full level Botanist, Miner, Fisher working at the same time and Desynthesizing Forager gear for Demicraft Materia is probably the FASTEST way to make money in my PERSONAL **OPINION**

      Also if you're going to have +100M Gil store it in your Free Company Chest suspensions are handed out JUST for the suspicion of RMT.
    11. kagepande

      kagepande Community Developer

      Oct 20, 2014
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      Not totally true about the gil, I have 900+ million on my main lol, have had it on my retainers/main/FC chest, never had a issue about it. Ive traded 100+ million at a time from one character to another in person.

      Though all that being said, I have had 34 accounts for FFXIV, 32 bots, 2 main, and none have ever gotten a warning or a ban, and they all used to run 24/7.
    12. xployt

      xployt Member

      Jan 4, 2011
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      If you look at SE's past policies concerning 3rd party tools in FFXI, their first foray into MMOs, you can see that they only seem to either A. Ban in waves when they detect large scale game exploitation (hi2u salvage bans) or B. When you use blatant, easily detectable hacks like teleportation or speed modifications. They absolutely never banned people in FFXI for using windower, which was obvious to most because people were blinking and changing their entire outfits mid-fight every 10 seconds and also were able to situate themselves perfectly in fights to avoid aoe without the use of the beloved ground markers we have in FFXIV.

      Also, I would assume that they do not have full time GM's watching everything, since there are often spammers who sit right in the markets spamming something shit in /say, /tell, and /shout channels every 15 seconds. I guess the rule of thumb is to take the usual precautions and don't be super super obvious. Remember that botting always carries a risk of a ban, as many of you 6 monthers are aware. I pray to Hydaelyn now to thank her for making me switch over to FFXIV just in time!
    13. throne

      throne Member

      May 1, 2015
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      I have been using RB a few weeks ago since my account creation and I am fairly new to the game. I have a few question regarding RB.

      1.Is botting with RB same as injecting packets like WPE Pro?

      2. Is there some sort of security when running the bot? It seems too blatant running a process that says "RB bot.exe" or "Reborn Buddy.exe" next to the ff14boot.exe.

      Either way, I will continue to use RB since I think that this is one of the best bots you can find these days
    14. ladygamer

      ladygamer Member

      Oct 15, 2010
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      have you ever heard of IP bans for FFXIV?? I want to start up a botnet of 5 bots to start 24/7 and not link it to my main. WoW i've known to ban via IP bans... just wondering about FFXIV :)
    15. ladygamer

      ladygamer Member

      Oct 15, 2010
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      also curious what type of comp did u use to run 32 bots on? :p or are they on multiple pcs? ;x

    16. Yasuko

      Yasuko Member

      Oct 28, 2010
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      No, SE has not IP banned afaik.

      One thing that I did find odd.. back before orderbot was as good as it is now, and before the game was meshed.. I had two characters farming shards using the same waypoints. Left them running over night.. I came back to them both being disconnected and when I logged back in, SE had forced me to change the password due to suspicious activity (i know thats the default reason for password changing, especially between logging in with two seperate IPs) .. I do not know if this was due to a player report or just coincidence. However, I did not receive any emails regarding 3rd party tools.. so im going to assume that i was logged into my vpn, then internet went down.. and tried logging back in with my actual ip.. which flagged for password reset.. either way.. was odd.

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