I have no evidence to support this, and please do not flame me, i was simply thinking about this. We all seem to have an idea that blizzard likes to build up accounts that they are going to ban, before they actually ban them. Do you guys think they wait till the accounts go through the next billing cycle so they get an extra $15 then ban the account? I'm sure no one will care enough to do this, but check when your bill date is/was (can check CC records if you pay with CC) and see when your account got banned, perhaps the dates will be very close? No idea, just a thought.
Thats why I only authorize one month at a time. Costs a little more by the end of the year, but don't really lose much when the ban hammer strikes.
Use a CC and if you get permabanned -- pull your last sub and all subs previous to it, that'll really piss off blizz