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    Discussion in 'Buddy Wing Forum' started by Woneone, Apr 8, 2013.

    1. Woneone

      Woneone New Member

      May 11, 2012
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      I think everyone has realized that we have a pretty small community using BuddyWing. I thought it would be a good idea to start making a list of current issues we're facing, breaking it up into updates/fixes we'd like to see from the Buddy team, and tasks we as a community can work on add functionality through plugins/routines/ect.

      Bot Fixes:
      1.) Nav Issues - Pretty self-explainitory. Nav Server going down kills everyone.
      2.) Object Reference Errors - Seems like everyone gets these after a few hours. Can't really tell if these are profile based or an issue with BW.

      Stuff We Can Work on as a Community (and BW team):
      1.) Routines - We need to get these back up to par. I'd be more than happy to help get these at least in a functional state, but I don't have high levels of all character classes. So, I'd need some assistance.
      2.) Profiles - We don't have many. I'd like to update one of the profile builders that is currently listed in the Plugins section.

      Additional Functionality:
      1.) Chests: I think someone was having an issue opening chests.
      2.) Sending Companions on Missions
      3.) Party Botting (I'm actually working on a plug-in to group bots)

      Feel free to post any ideas or suggestions, and we can add them to the list. I hope this is something we can keep up-to-date and in front of everyone so they know the current status of the bot and what people are working on.
    2. Jests

      Jests New Member

      Feb 13, 2013
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      As of right now I don't really have anything to add to this, I just wanted to say I like this :)

      I'm working on this bot slowly (about 1 profile a day) because I don't have a ton of time on my hands... but when I'm done creating enough grind profiles I do intend on taking passes over the daily profiles again to get them functioning better. As of right now, the Ilum dailies seem to work OK (although I had to run a minor edit to prevent it from doing that optional quest with the missile crates, it was having problems and getting stuck there), but Belsavis needs heavy baby sitting and black hole doesn't work at all. I'm hoping I can fix those, when I do I'll put them up.

      I haven't even looked at section x yet... that area didn't exist when I quit playing back in the day so I'm not sure what to expect there yet :p
    3. Sammyjenkins

      Sammyjenkins Member

      Aug 2, 2012
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      Just a note for additional functionality. I would love to see a mail to option and or (if applicable) cargo hold access dump.
    4. JMSFedaykin

      JMSFedaykin New Member

      Dec 20, 2012
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      A couple of things I would add to the list:

      1) Fixing the "Failed to read process memory." problem during initialization. That's pretty fundamental.
      2) Arithmetic Overflows with navigation.
      3) Not being able to transition between maps.
    5. Jests

      Jests New Member

      Feb 13, 2013
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      Quest ID dumping doesn't work for me anymore, buddy wing crashes. That would be something to look into (if other people have that problem too)

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