Guide to creating your own behavior for the bot. Let's create a new behavior by the example step-by-step. It is as simple as possible. For example, you have a lot of cards with overload for Shaman and you can build a strong deck. 1. The most important point - we need to come up with a name for this behavior This name should match the essence of the behavior. I call this behavior: OverloadShaman. 2. Create a folder for our behavior. The easiest way is to copy any folder of an existing behavior and rename it. Go to the folder: \Routines\DefaultRoutine\Silverfish\behavior and make a copy of the folder: Control (this is the standard Сontrol behavior). Then rename: Control - copy ->rename-> OverloadShaman 3. Go to the folder: OverloadShaman and rename the file: BehaviorControl.cs IMPORTANT! The file name consists of 2 words: Behavior + OurName. In our case, we get the name "BehaviorOverloadShaman": BehaviorControl.cs ->rename-> BehaviorOverloadShaman.cs 4. Open the file: BehaviorOverloadShaman.cs in any text editor and change 2 lines: a) public class BehaviorControl : Behavior ->rename-> public class BehaviorOverloadShaman : Behavior b) public override string BehaviorName() { return "Control"; } ->rename-> public override string BehaviorName() { return "OverloadShaman"; } *Inside BehaviorOverloadShaman.cs you can set SirFinleyPriority. That's all You've created your first behavior for the bot (or rather, you create a copy of the Control behavior with its own name). Now, after you run the bot, you can select this behavior in the list. Whatever that behavior was the really yours, you can add some files to your folder: _settings.txt (a sample file with the description of the parameters located in the folder: \Routines\DefaultRoutine\Silverfish\behavior. Place it in your folder and rename it). _mulligan.txt (to create your own mulligan is convenient to use Visual Mulligan Editor. It creates the file:_mulligan.txt in the folder: \Routines\DefaultRoutine\Silverfish\data. After you create this file, move it to your folder). _combo.txt (use any combos consciously and very carefully). After that you can zip this folder and keep it for yourself, or create a post and share it with the community. ** If you have _mulligan.txt/_combo.txt for Control/Rush behavior, move it to from the folder:\Routines\DefaultRoutine\Silverfish\data to folder:\Routines\DefaultRoutine\Silverfish\behavior\Control (or Rush) *** If you have special settings for Control/Rush that were previously in the DefaultRoutine.cs: copy _settings-example.txt in the Control/Rush folder, rename it to _settings.txt and set the values that you want.