I been searching the forums for about 10 min and can't find a DK starting zone profile. Can anyone give me a link to one?
yura yes i tried with fresh installing WoW and bot, but it just doesn't work On next DK ill post a log and let apoc check what went wrong there Because i remember that it was working fine some months ago.
Mine isn't working. Keeps saying [WaitForPatrol-v215(info) @line 144]: Moving to safe spot <2175.955, -5769.175, 101.3312> until 'MobId(28683)' moves 85 yards away. and just stand there
i had the same problem but we can't help fix this unless we got logs i don't think i have the logs anymore but if you get this again post it for them to fix it the hole log file not just 1 line of it hey kick i was useing yours and got the same problem i don't have the file anymore cause i'm already up to 67 on my DK but it did happen on yours also i just did the quest manually and then started it back up with no problem i'll see if i can find the log maybe i'll get lucky and it's still there
OK, here's a log on a fresh DK failing at the runeforging. Looks like a lua problem in PerformTradeskillOn. Have Blizzard removed the functionality?