So I started playing SWTOR again and was thinking of getting this bot. I can only find 3 day and 90 day subscriptions? Is that all or am I missing something? Also is it really almost $13 for 90 days?That seems a bit expensive. Although, I did buy Honor Buddy back when it was dirt cheap. Also, how fast can I get from 1-50?
totally the wrong section There is a 3 session yearly key. Buddy wing is more expensive than their other bots because they have a smaller subscriber base and have to spend more on maintenance time because of swtor's spaghetti code. No idea on lvling time
I figured it was the wrong section, but I am on my phone and it was frustrating looking through the seconds haha. Sorry. I can't seem to find the 3 session yearly. If there is a 3 session yearly, there must be a 1 session yearly right?