Proof: A GM just messaged me while I was botting in regards to a ticket I had open. I stopped the bot while talking with him, but he had messaged me twice before I saw it. If everyone's accounts were flagged for a banwave, they wouldn't have even bothered with my ticket once they saw my account flagged. People just need to not be stupid with their bots.
lol i was reading about this "banwave" i was loling at them as i watched my bots keep on herbing ppl are just over doing it getting flaged then blizzard stores them up and bans in mass thay always have always will
how about i answered everytime i had a whisperon my bot myself, never put more that 100 auctions in the day, botting never more that 12-13hrs a day. and i got perm banned same? explain me sir, checked my bot around 90% of time
if there was a banwave more the 90% of our users would be wiped out OVERNIGHT, the people screaming "Banwave!" have no clue what a real banwave is because they've never been in one. glider had banwaves. LOTS of banwaves. nothing that we've seen so far is very far off from a traditional glider banwave.
first EU dont got touched by this, it was may be not a ban wave, but i can say MANY BUT MANY account got closed in same time, it was definetely not a random thing....
classic banwaves EVERYONE gets hit. not just US or EU. again, if this was a banwave everyone's accounts would be gone, everyone who logged in an attached the bot over the timespan of a couple of weeks, not just people who are running 6+ accounts and probably not paying attention, or mixing up what they are doing.
The reason people have a need to call it a banwave is because so many people get knocked out at once. When this happens, it will usually fill up the first page of ban reports. All of the Buddy Staff have been botting for 4-5+ years. We take the definition of a banwave as software detection, because we have all been through it multiple times with Glider. But it is the Staff's definition of a banwave that will reign supreme, hence why we close all threads pertaining to "OMG BANWAVE!!!11!1" No one really knows for sure, but my theory is flagged accounts. It is much easier/efficient for Blizzard to flag account for bans and ban a group of them at once, than to ban them all on an individual basis. And this theory is one that a lot of people accept.
Little bit OT from me here but i feel i have to say it LOTS of banwaves? No, a few would be more accurate me thinks. I know it's long gone and doesn't even really matter but i feel kinda protective towards it and LOTS just irked me And yeah i think it's been long accepted they flag many accounts and ban them at the same time. Mainly to keep people guessing/theorizing/guessing what got them banned.
Plenty of people play 12-13 hours or even longer a day. Farming for that long by hand though would be...difficult to believe. Especially on a daily basis.
before i started botting i was playing 12-16 hours a day, most days... i play less now that i bot. i once fished the dal fountain for 9 hours straight. titanium seal of dalaran, w00t
Even than it's not fully everyone. I used Glidder before Hbuddy and I have yet to receive a ban in my life. People are just dumb.
But majority of people being banned are doing 8+ hours a day FARMING, it is very suspicious to do farming day in day out for that many hours of each day.... probably between the same times as well.
I was in the Pirox Archa banwave. There were lots more than 1 page of posts. (I think the forum crashed at one point.)
Yeah, the banweave is just a false alarm, But at some point they will do it. Maybe next week, maybe next year, who knows.