Is there any way to use Loot Filter (or any other addon) to delete quest items? I am currently farming Steamwheedle Cartel rep in Tanaris. But the mobs I am farming drop an item called Distress Beacon (and some numbers). This is a quest-item, which makes Loot Filter keep it, no matter what I do. I am currently deleting green (uncommon) items and I have added it to the DELETE list by name, but it is still being saved on the quest-item grounds. Is there any way to stop this? Or any other addon that will do the same job as LF? Thanks in advance!
i think you might be able to add the item to your delete list but it wont delete till your bags are full or you go to sell. I did this once but it was before the patch so not sure it is working now. Morga
have you tried the Quality button and clicking the right circle on quest items? i didn't know that "items you always want to delete" wouldn't delete quest items