Attached is a simple implementation of a Winterbuddy Plugin. It doesn't actually do anything - just a base to start from if you want to make a plugin and not sure how to do the IPlugin implementation. Do this: Unzip into \Winterbuddy\Plugins Open both files in Notepad++ and do a global search and replace of "SamplePlugin" with the name of your plugin, and rename the files, and you'll instantly have your own. The .csproj already has a reference to ..\..\Winterbuddy.exe, so it should just "work" if your put this into (for example) \Winterbuddy\Plugins\SamplePlugin Will print this when bot starts (if plugin is enabled): Code: Plugin SamplePlugin Version 1.0.0 by YOUR_NAME_HERE Initialized Plugin SamplePlugin Version 1.0.0 by YOUR_NAME_HERE Enabled To browse the API, in Visual Studio, Expand the "References" in Solution Explorer and double-click Winterbuddy.exe How to only show Winterbuddy.exe API and not all loaded Assemblies You can alternatively use the dropdown to select "My Solution"
Bump. Anyone have any links or anything that would help me make a plug in for logging in and just praying on multiple toons.