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  • Diablo 3 map of the world

    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by FallenDev, May 26, 2013.

    1. FallenDev

      FallenDev Member

      Apr 17, 2013
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      Lets talk about the upcoming expansion of Diablo3. We know there is going to be one, but when? What will it be on, and what type of improvements are we to look forward to?

      Well during the anniversary event they showed in the background a map. Arreat Crater is shown in this map which proves they have an actual map set out. Perhaps a WoW version of Diablo3?

      Maybe they'll create more classes.

    2. kork09

      kork09 New Member

      Feb 24, 2013
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      OP don't provoke me with such topics ;)
      In order to make diablo3 viable as an online game (which is something that they wanted all along because of the rmah ) there is really ONLY one choice turn it into a hybrid arpg/mmo and many game developers see the value in this taking into account the recent or not so recent (2012) games some of them actually saw the failure in D3 but they sadly failed themselves at execution
      Unconsciously or not this is what they are already doing. examples :
      - more hp on mobs (this is a mmo element which is great for mmos to make the fights longer so that you are able to use strategy , positioning , encourage team work etc etc ) however taking it and putting it into diablo as diablo is today is dumb and it makes 0 sense . I used to laugh at people who were talking about positioning in diablo3 because simply there are no elements to make you want to do this (As opposed to bosses in dungeons and raids in mmos)
      - soulbound items again this is great for mmos because by making some of the items soulbound it encourages you to do the dungeon and experience the fun of it for yourself instead of buying it .
      - ah/rmah - the ability for players to trade items for money is also a great idea (which mmos lack) but they need to limit it's effects , adjust what you can or not trade , and improve on the methods which work great (gem trading for example)
      - stupid hard vs smart hard . a game being hard is great when there is a strategy to down certain mobs /bosses . if u don't know the strategy you wipe => thats crazy fun . not "and we doubled it " which is an example of stupid hard . (there's also a fine line here where wow fucked up with certain fights where even if u knew the strategy and was geared properly for it you still wiped which is not fun ) .Here is another example in D3 the key warden in act3 (who was nerfed and im glad they did ) there was a strategy fighting it on the stairs but who the hell wants to apply strategy on a stupid warden which is there only to make your journey to fighting ubers longer.
      - limit the fucking RNG which fucking sucks . there is a difference between smart rng vs stupid rng
      - remove the FUCKING HIDDEN drop mechanics and be transparent about it . it is well know how the D3 is copying the "rested " mechanic from mmos . if you hadn't played D3 in a while BOOM the next time you log in you get better drops . or that drops are better during a certain time in the day or weekends or that you used to get better drops if u don't die . which totally sucks because experience from rested is one thing but drops are a totally different thing

      They could try experimenting with arpgs (but they already failed with D3) and perhaps improve a LOT on it but i don't see it . the fact of the matter is if it is an online game meant to last and be played for months it has to be an mmo and even improve on the failures in mmos which is soulbound . i definitely agree with the purpose of soulbound for some items but not for almost all of them. (ex soulbound in current diablo also makes no sense cos you only get the soulbound with crafting and ? :) what's the fun about it there's none) however soulbound made a lot of sense with the hellfire ring - too bad RNG pissed on it and made it not fun . in fact people today just do ubers for fun and don't even get stacks which speaks VOLUMES about how broken D3 is

      OP writing all of this makes me even happier that i quit d3

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