Looking for a profile that will send my rogue around pickpocketting mobs in 3 areas for the dice that drop. New Hearthglen Skorn Schnottz Guys in Uldum Those 3 areas will drop the 3 dice that rogues can pickpocket. Much appreciated. If the right dev wants to work w/ me, I might give them an extra account that I have (safe).
If I am not wrong, there is a nice botbase in the store, suitable for your needs. Just have a look: Chameleon (a rogue pickpocket botbase)
Looks promising, but I really don't have $30+ to spend on a bot base that may or may not work. I'm disabled and low income, so my extra money is very tightly rationed. I spent a good amount on TuanHA's routine and couldn't even get him to respond to an e-mail or post about PG setups. Hoping a barter will be suitable for some bored programmer out there.
I tried the chameleon with these spots, it sucks for New Hearthglen, gets stuck all the time. Works fine for the 2 others though.