Does honorbuddy disconnect you if you get stuck or is it possible a gm is testing me to see if I am botting. If so when is it safe to start botting again in your opinion?
No, they don't test you. If they want to know if you're botting, they check the logs and make a decision based on those. They don't waste time doing stupid shit like that where they might end up harassing legit users. The only warning you'll ever get of a gm looking into your case is a disconnected bot and a ban email.
A friend of mine was actually checked multiple times by various gms. Of course the guy didn't have a gm logo in front of his name but it definitely was a gm. My friend even got him to sorta admit it lol However he was botting extremely obvious (like 24/7 from launch 3 days in a row) and he was banned before.
Sure. No GM logo, but he was definitely a GM and he even TOLD you! Excuse me if I don't believe it for a minute.
GMs used to test you in cataclysm and prior to that. But nowadays it just cost too much money to have GMs flying around testing players for bots.