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    Discussion in 'Hearthbuddy Support' started by Botosaurus, Nov 25, 2015.

    1. Botosaurus

      Botosaurus New Member

      May 2, 2015
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      Hey !

      I noticed that the bot seems to make really poor decisions regardind the discover mechanic.
      I don't know if it is the first card in the three or it's random but it nevertheless really makes poor decision making.
      At this point, even if it selects the card from an arena tier list it should still be 100x better.
      http://www.icy-veins.com/hearthstone/arena-guides here are some arena tier lists for all the classes.
      Maybe having something like : take the highest tier card, if there are many of the same tier, take the less comon one, if there are multiple of the same rarity, take the class one, if there are multiple class cards, take the highest cost one, otherwise choose randomly between the cards.

      Examples :
      This one actually happenned to me : the bot had a choice between soulfire, murloc raider and another random card. Soulfire being probably one the best warlock cards, murloc raider being one the worst, not only for warlock but in the game. It picked the murloc which was the first of the three. With this algorithm, it would have been obvious to pick soulfire.
      It also picks secretkeeper as a warlock, and by the nature of the class, this is probably one of the worst one drop. I mean, I don't say all one drops are good for warlock, but like what are the odds that you have to pick between three terrible one drops.

      While I'm creating this topic, I'd also like to address another issue. The bot often plays doomguard while I have super important cards in hand, it actually happenned that the bot prefered to play doomguard while having Dr.Boom, Mal'Ganis and the doomguard in hand than to tap to find another card to play.
      Last edited: Nov 25, 2015
    2. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      we need to check your Hb and your UI log files
    3. Botosaurus

      Botosaurus New Member

      May 2, 2015
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      Ok, so here I am again with what I consider near perfect bad decisions from the bot.
      View attachment Hearthbuddy 11256 2015-11-27 15.04.txt
      View attachment UILogg_2015-11-27_15-06-35.txt
      First Doomguard discarded imp gang boss and implosion, though the doomguard was really unnecessary considering the board and the discarded value was medium to high.
      First dark peddler chose the first card, which was the new warlock class card though I had like 2 minions on board and zero card in hand. It decided to pick this card which it will never be able to play unless the opponent goes afk over power overwhelming which would have allowed it to kill a threatening 4/5 on the board with a haunted creeper.
      On the very same game, it did go for face with a buffed 2/1 (into a 4/1 with abusive sergeant) over killing the opponent northshire cleric which finally allowed him to draw several cards (like 3-5) in the late stage of the game when he was down to 1-2 cards and thus probably gave him the win over the bot because of the card advantage.

      Dark Peddler is an essential part of the new zoo considering the frequency of soulfire and power overwhelming when discovering a 1-drop. The unability of the bot to pick the best card out of the three proposed creates a net loss of value which added to all the missplays it does end up losing the game. I don't say the bot should be able to get legend, but it should lose because of its lack of strategy and not because of its incapacity to make the best value play.
    4. Coolmaster

      Coolmaster Member

      Aug 16, 2013
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      Botosaurus, thank you. 'Discover' has been modified, and you will get the solution in the next update.

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