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  • display boss loot

    Discussion in 'Requests & Discussion' started by Cyanide, Nov 1, 2013.

    1. Cyanide

      Cyanide Member

      Apr 11, 2012
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      So I watched a Youtube video about how people used atlas loot a long time ago in WoW to see what bosses would drop before they even killed them, and I wondered if Honorbuddy could somehow read and display what the boss will drop before you even kill him, would make farming items such as Heroic LK mount much easier.
    2. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi, Cyanide,

      You misunderstand how AtlasLoot works. It shows you the entire loot table for the boss (what the boss is capable of dropping, and the percentage chance of each item dropping). It does not show you what the boss will drop. To determine what the boss will drop, you must actually kill him.

    3. Cyanide

      Cyanide Member

      Apr 11, 2012
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      I am aware of what atlas loot does, but no I clearly understood what the guy in the video meant here I'll link it to you, but he more or less said that if nobody on the server that was online had a specific item atlas loot could not show you it. this was back in bc it said that rogues could enter BT and if atlas loot showed a glaive it meant that illidan had one on his loot table. Top 5 Scumbag Things in WoW (World of Warcraft) - YouTube its at about 4min 47 seconds if you just watch that part you'll see what i mean. it was a long time ago but i still just thought well i wonder if honorbuddy could do something like that... but better?
    4. Cyanide

      Cyanide Member

      Apr 11, 2012
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      nobody knows if this is possible or not? D:
    5. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi, Cyanide, and thanks for that link!

      The video was entertaining, and had a number of great points.

      Alas, the trick for Atlas Loot to work takes advantage of a quirk in the design of loot linking. Executing the trick requires a few things:
      • You must be present at your desired dungeon at 'WoWserver reset' time.
        Also, you must be ready to enter and exit the dungeon several times until the loot table you want materializes.

      • Once you have the loot table established, you must 'hold the dungeon' open until you are ready to address its content.
        Given level 90, this is probably trivial. If you plan to do this with a party, it will take some coordination.

      • And the biggest problem of all... you must *know* that someone with that loot hasn't already logged in after the reset.
        Once they do, the trick will no longer work.
      Getting this trick to work would not be easy, and you'd have to dedicate a toon to 'camping'. The last bullet alone makes the plugin very unreliable if several bots were doing this on the same server. (Highly likely!)

      Also, the trick is taking advantage of the design of the WoWserver's implementation of loot linking. Such techniques are considered hacks by BosslandGmbH. This means such a plugin would not be allowed in the BosslandGmbH forums, and you'd have to look to a 3rd-party developer for it that is hosting somewhere else.

      cheers & thanks for sharing the video,

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