Hi. To somebody know if ther is a DK-qust-profile (From the start) (put it in the coments then) and where do i put it.. in what folder? :s ty for help.
Kicks/Nesox has the only DK starter profile that I know of. I am currently working on Solstice, which will level DK's only, from level 60-90.
Comes with instructions, http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...es/50549-kicks-mega-profile-packs-1-90-a.html
Just do the quests manually. The profiles are so bad that will piss you off eventually.Especially the dragon one at the end.
what dragon one at the end? ive been able to afk those dk quests most every time. the only dragon quest i can think of is the vehicle quest. and its been worked over to be pretty viable. the last 2 dk's i ran through there were frost and blood. of course blood is better at staying alive for me
i never managed to make it working properly. a friend of mine got the same problem. i dont get what you dont understand by the dragon quest. there is a dragon that u ride in the quest chain but i guess its ok...lil hassle always welcome