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  • Do I need to use MoveTo's instead of GrindAreas?

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by JMSFedaykin, Mar 4, 2013.

    1. JMSFedaykin

      JMSFedaykin New Member

      Dec 20, 2012
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      In the profiles I'm writing, I've been trying to use GrindAreas to specify the areas where I want to engange in combat with MoveTo's to make the bot walk in specific ways to attempt to avoid unecessary combat. Well, since the bot automatically targets everything in its path, that idea was kind of useless. So, I decided to eliminate the MoveTo's.

      But, I can't figure out a while condition to make the bot abandon a specific GrindArea (not a GrindArea hotspot). I figured it would detect if there were still any potential targets and if there weren't, it would move on to the next command in the profile. Now, I've figured out that it will use that criteria to abandon a specific hotspot, but there needs to be a while condition in the Grind command to make it finish. So far, all I've seen are While="<Level lessthan XX>" and While="<questnotcomplete>" type conditions.

      Now, that's fine while you're leveling up. But, it's useless if your farming. So, does anybody know if there's a while condition like a While="<NumberOfTargets greaterthan 0>" type of condition I can check against. If not, should I just use MoveTo's and just let the bot do the targeting?

      Any help would be REALLY appreciated!

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