Do you have to integrate wow launcher with the H.B.? I personally don't like it being tied together because if you have a problem with your H.B. you have to restart wow. If I can do it separately can someone tell me how? Sorry if this seems like noobish questions. I personally like them separate from each other. Just wondering if there is going to be the option in the future again. Thanks, kwaynetwo
Found the best way is to use the launcher when starting fresh for the day. However, after that you can launch HB by itself if need to. This seems to maintain WOW in the required config for HB.
Thank you for the responses that makes sense... Hopefully H.B. will be up soon and I can test it out...
Why does the honobuddy launcher error out everytime I use it, it does the job its supposed to...IE it starts wow in 32 bit mode, then passes the workload onto the regular honorbuddy program, but then honorbuddy launcher errors out. Granted it doesnt effect game play, just an annoyance.