new character with order mode load the Gridania_1-15,just dont do anything. I'm so confused. View attachment 10464 2016-04-30 03.17.txt
Code: [09:39:45.322 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to MoveToTag: LineNumber: 1836, XYZ: <20.27917, 40.19993, -6.118958>, Name: Baderon, Distance: 3, UseMesh: True, IsDone: False, HighPriority: False, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, . [09:39:45.322 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 12734523-9b4f-4be8-b756-f89ce5fcf603 [09:39:45.324 D] Requesting path on 132 from <41.54434, -8, 110.7317> to <20.27917, 40.19993, -6.118958> [09:39:45.615 D] No viable path from <41.54434, -8, 110.7317> to <20.27917, 40.19993, -6.118958> in 00:00:00.2908306 ms "No viable path" errors mean you are on the wrong map. Go to the map where the next quest objective for It's Probably Pirates is, then try again. You should also post in the thread of the profile you're trying to run for direct support. To see your next objective for that quest, open your Journal (typically the "J" keybind), click on the quest you're trying to find and click on the "Map" button under the quest text.