Hi, I have a Problem with my bot, my bot Dont fly i am level 60 >.< I learned "Expert riding" and " Flight masters' license" and used "Wing Guardian" as a fly mount. But he dont fly. here is my log:
Did you read the big textbox at the beginning of the profile where it said: THE BOT WILL NOT FLY BEFORE ZANGAMARSH! Did you?
lol, sorry i think he fly TILL ZANGAMARSH xD not at... :/ that sucks. hellfire sucks without fly... but why the bot dont fly in hellfire? <.< sorry for my english, my english sucks..
The Bot will only fly if the Profile tells him to, so if a char starts at 58 and cant fly, its easier for the profile to handle this. Even if you are in zanga, it wont fly all the time, like a real person would, but often enough.