Hey guys, With the following guide, you will be able to download ALL the Cataclysm Data without having to preorder it on the battle.net site. Doing this steps will do exactly the same, as if you login with an account that already has preordered Cataclysm and enables you to download the data step by step. As Cataclysm isnt finished by now, you will only be able to download 300MB at this time. But as the development goes on, there will be more to come. Open up your WTF folder in your WoW folder. Open up Launcher.WTF in notepad. Edit: to Open up Config.wtf in Notepad. Edit: to Start downloading update by starting Launcher.exe With official approval, there is no need to worry about the Tos or EULA. Its a pretty simple process. Once its the 7th December and you got your key from your personal (cheaper) chinese-company or from a midnight-event, just add your key on the accountmanagement-site and starting conquering the Cataclysm!
This seems really sneaky and good for people who want to pick when they download rather than pay and download. I'm just going to preorder sometime this month.
The downloadsize is 800MB does say my laucher! But thanks for that ! --------- Sry for my bad english i am a student from germany !
Im pretty sure its what blizzard told people who have pre-ordered to do if they had issues downloading it, so its not against TOS, ive already pre-ordered anyway .
Updated the original post, its confirmed that this is not against the TOS nor the EULA as its been posted in the official support forum too