My druid's been getting stuck in ground travel form after trying to mine a node. I came back to it trying to jump like it was trying to fly, but it was in ground travel form. This happened a couple of times, it never used to happen. Here's the logs: View attachment 10152 2016-12-30 12.45.txt
Yes a couple, but nothing that should interfere with it I don't think. (Noflash!, Postal, Bagnon) I'll try without addons tonight and see how it goes.
Nope, unfortunately I am still experiencing the same problem without any addons turned on. Here's another set of logs: View attachment 10416 2017-01-02 11.13.txt
Been running it fine using a flying mount instead of flying form, which isn't optimal, any idea if this is fixable?
Why is travel form not able to fly in these areas? Is this a WoW bug? If you switch out of travel form and back in, can you suddenly fly?