Hello I'm new to botting with a 5 man team I got them to 85 today and used my main acc to carry through FL/DS 25m heroic to gear them they're fully geared and running draenor enchants minus gems still trying to figure out what gems work at 85. My main question is should I stay botting at 85 and queue random heroics or should I move to 90? Also I can't figure out how to set my healer as the looter so I'm just getting gear/gold off bosses.
Just level them to 90 asap, dont mess about gem enchant and ds gear, at 90 either gear them in pvp gear or get wod trail and use it to run smv or ffr zones and gear them there. Each character has its own loot settings so just change its settings for that bot, ps a geared group can have your healer specd and dpsing for fast clears and only down to off heal, way more gph.
Thank you also my comp is 1 prot pally 3 fury warrs and a disc priest one thing I notice is they use single target not AoE spells is there anyway to get them to use aoe or is single target better?