I'm sure it will happen eventually, but I'm also sure there are other things to do first. Before dungeons can even be thought about the bot needs to be able to dodge attacks, and I'm sure that's no small undertaking. I'm sure there are other priorities as well, but I don't want to speak for Mastahg. I would just say be patient, it will happen eventually.
Is there a way to check what your target is casting? me.TargetCharacter.CastingSpellId maybe? If you have that and you override combat movement with a cr/plugin then ghetto manual database dodging should be possible. Could also check to see if you have an aura while you're standing in the danger zone but that would be way to convenient >_> Even after the required api is implemented for a dungeon bot, the dungeon bot it's self will still be quite an undertaking for the community developers.