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  • Dungeonbuddy - how to set up without loading profile ?

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by BozeNaprawcieTo, Sep 2, 2016.

    1. BozeNaprawcieTo

      BozeNaprawcieTo New Member

      Aug 31, 2016
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      When we had HB2 and I was setting up 5 toons to level by RAF 15++ on dungeons it was easy:
      - set leader, put there 4 names of guys in party, set up which dungeons (eg. Random Burning Crusade)
      - set followers, put there name of the Leader
      - and click 5 times start

      Now we have HB3 and I have no idea how to set it up, because it wants from me a profile. If I don't load up profile it says:

      - "Loading empty profile"

      WTF ? Why before (with HB 2.6, H.B 2.5 and lower) I never had to do such things and now I have to ? Or maybe I do something wrong ?

      PS: I am NOT talking about Legion Dungeons, cause I already know they are in progress.

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