Hello, I have a question, Im running Dungeonbuddy with 2 rogues. all works perfect but the bots are running the same way, and staying inside each other while fighting which is easy to detect from other party members. Any way to change the running path for some yards? Tried in botconfig changing following distance but its not helping :/ Greetings lolman
I have been wondering this for years its pretty damn obvious.. haha I run a healer and dps all the time when i RAF level in dungeons and have them set as 10 yards and 20 yards 10 yards for my healer.. but they still path exactly the same they should make the paths different like they chnage here n there or option for path 1 and path 2
Yep did it too some months ago, but never with 2x same class did it with meele+range and it worked fine would be nice if they add any function btw i saw a raf plugin in store which could have this function but i dont want to pay
Because Tony is Official Honorbuddy Support poster on this board and he is in charge to do it. Do you blame police officers, when stop you and ask for ID card? Do you ask them: "Why ask me, but you haven't asked the guy ahead?"
I just want to know why he wants to know my hb key^^ key is not important to solve the problem lol but nvm i will play with the problem and it is all fine. i mean i paid for the bot and i dont have the time to complete all questions. btw your example is bad