Dying in instances (Clicking corpse popup...) Everyday I see tons of people standing AFK just outside instance portal after dying inside. They can't navigate to their corpses, however they don't use spirit healer resurrection. It happened several updates ago (I truly don't understand why they change things which used to work fine for years). It is known problem, but have anyone fixed it? What does not help: - Last version of HB. - Trying to force it to ress at spirit healer (this option just doesn't work in quest bot farming) - Plugins such as NoMoveDetector (they restart HB but toons continue AFKing after loggin in again) - Trying different profiles. Any ideas? Plugins? Settings? After reading all the similar threads I started thinking devs can't fix this, so i am not opening this in a support section, just let the other people discuss the problem here.
HB currently has no death support is the problem. Same issue with Botanica, Halls of lightning and Tol'vir.
I'm assuming you're using my profiles, but I've talked with HighVoltz about it. There will be a solid solution soon.
The death hook for the Questing botbase wasn't designed to go cross-world (through loading screens) which is why you're having the issues. So for death support, you would need to hijack the death hook and have it brushed over with your own custom logic. For my profiles, I used DoWhen, which is a behavior that runs passively in the background until the predicates are met. Once the predicates are met, anything wrapped in the DoWhen will be executed while the profile logic is paused. With this, you could have it set to activate when the player is detected as a "ghost" - then from there you could disable the native death hook, and have your own custom navigation carry it back to the instance. However, as of the 761+ updates of Honorbuddy, it no longer works this way. The behavior currently will not (persistently) activate if the player is dead. My proposal to HighVoltz is a solution to: 1) Allow the behavior to activate while dead. 2) Allow the behavior's hook to be indexed as 0 (giving it priority over the native death hook.) Hopefully we'll see this in the next Honorbuddy update. ^^
logfile? How to attach a logfile : here This would also be a lot better placed within the thread of the contributing dev's profile thread; unless it is Tiger's profile ... which he already commented. I also want to say that there is a plugin somewhere that is just for clicking the corpse and returning to your body; I'll look for it.
i watch all these other bots flying right in while i sit patiently on my mount. I wonder to myself how they do that. Are they using a dungeonbuddy farm profile? or some other bot. hopefully soon my character will be able to fly right in along all the other dead.
It is easy to code a death behavior when you hook in to the death behavior....plugins, and profiles can do this. All's well that Heals well, Bennyquest
i tried the DeathRunFix plugin from Botanist and it doesn't work. char still stops in front of the portal, turns left and gets stuck in the door frame. View attachment 6896 2015-01-17 12.58.txt log for your eyes, i stopped it right after the plugin failed
I was reworking it to have support for all dungeons via Me.CorpsePoint for navigation and (Me.CorpseMapId != Me.MapId) for conditioning - but I dropped it once DoWhen was released. I believe the current version floating around uses raw hops rather than generating a dynamic path which may explain the door stuck issue. Edit It seems that from the log the profile is handling the death support PHP: [20:29:19.921 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior. [20:29:19.922 N] [Azyul]: Looks like we died, returning to instance. Your issue may just be my profile, lol.
I'm still trying to figure out exactly what's going on with the death issues. I haven't had much time since I'm working on Wildbuddy at the moment - but from what I've seen is the DoWhen behavior doesn't always seem to activate. Your log shows that DeathRunFix and the Azyul-DeathNavigator are both running but Azyul-DeathNavigator is getting a higher index since it's ran second (DeathRunFix hooks at death, Azyul hooks at ghost) - but it's actually zoning into the instance. How often is it not working for you? (may want to take this somewhere else so we don't hijack this thread lol)
View attachment 7752 2015-01-17 16.02.txt every time i die. if i die outside the instance, i stand 30 yards back and just go afk ghost. if i die inside the instance, i get stuck in the doorway. this log is from my druid
I've bothered HighVoltz and got him to add to DoWhen. On the nightly build of Honorbuddy you can grab it. It now has the ability to attach to native hooks. I've been running some tests on it and it seems to work pretty solid. Here's an example of my usage in Tol'vir: PHP: <CustomBehavior File="Hooks\DoWhen" ActivityName="CustomDeathHook" TreeHookName="Death_Main" UseWhen="Me.IsGhost && Me.CorpseMapId != Me.MapId" > <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="50000" TerminateWhen="!Me.IsInInstance" /> <DisableBehavior Name="Vendor" /> <CustomBehavior File="RunCode" Code="Logging.Write(System.Windows.Media.Colors.DeepSkyBlue, "[Azyul]: Looks like we died, returning to instance.");" /> <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-10667.82" Y="-1303.857" Z="20.86421" /> <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-10681.01" Y="-1307.565" Z="17.34297" /> <CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="MoveForwardStart();" WaitTime="3000" /> <!-- My method of entering dungeons. --> <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="50000" TerminateWhen="Me.IsInInstance" /> <EnableBehavior Name="Vendor" /> </CustomBehavior> With this design, Death_Main will release the player's spirit as usual - after that the DoWhen will attach and take control. The UseWhen will prevent the behavior from activating if the player didn't die inside of the dungeon. Once the UseWhen is met, DoWhen will attach to the Death_Main, overriding its control of the bot and replacing it with the custom-nav which will carry the player back into the instance. From there, the Questing_Main logic will fire back up and the profile will continue on which line it died on. The only downside to using a method like this is: there won't be any death support if the bot is started while dead because Death_Main is indexed higher than Quest_Main.