have you tried to use Professionbuddy as auctionbot instead, i find it to work mych better then eAuction.
Trying it at the moment. I just can't seem to get it cancel the undercutter auctions. Any help with this? Even a guide or anything Cheers
Yeah Im really anxious for the next hb release as well. I don't have any addons set up to post auctions so I'm just sitting here with my mats while people are making out like robber barons. Posting by hand is simply unrealistic at the moment.
Ok here is what you do. Login to wow, launch HB on your auction toon, make sure you are in orgrimmar Stormwind might work in any other city as well that has an AH. Klick the Plugin button, activate Professionbudde, launch professionbuddy settings, if an error pops upp, klick the "Ignore this and continue" button. a window pops up then select the AHbot.xml and then press run at the top right, it should solve most of your problems.