Just want to let you know guys that Today 18-05-2010 at 02:00am eBot got a banwave, when people started claiming in shoutbox the site was down and now have a message saying that the project is closed... Project Link: http://ebot-france.com/ Facebook Link: http://tl-ph.facebook.com/group.php?gid=91267771963&v=wall I lost one account to Anyway hope all be ok with Honorbuddy....
Another one bites the dust. Not trying to sound like a fanboy but Honor Buddy is the only thing close to glider. Even surpassing glider in many many areas. It wont be long and HonorBuddy will be "The Bot"
Ski, hawker, bossland, are actually all a part of Blizzard, but Blizzard just had to earn more money, so they made a bot?
IF Ski is refering to legally, then no, blizzard can not because of German laws. But that wont stop them from attempting to detect the bot weather it be through warden or patches.
Blizzard can get Bossland. Just because he is in germany means nothing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Just unlikely because would involve to much work for blizzard.
German laws project the buddy team. Germany has some unique laws that can't be interfered with from outside countries, and countries will never extradite their own citizens. So it's a win win
Tony once said something like: "They won't ban us, they want our money" And yes: German law makes the author of HB/GB unreachable for Blizzard.