I did some gold too but today when new patch arrived I got banned. I used level bot just before. The weird thing is they havent send me an email yet but it says my account "is closed and not avalaible for use anymore" I think that is permanent ban, do you think? All I did was leveling and some GB week ago and nothing special. Actually just before I got banned I was afkin in nortrhend for like 6 hours...
Yes, it is a permanent ban. I got the same. Check your e-mails spam section, and see if it is there. It took some time for me to recieve my e-mail aswell. They've appearantly done another wave of bans this patch.
Well I have checked my mail all the time, made useless ticket about not having email but still banned. And the login screen asks me to go battle.net/ something / banned.html and I go there I see my very old ban and that ban doesnt even have a reason on it. Very weird that, when I log in I cant see my ban anywhere in battlenet.