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  • [EU ONLY][BETA] HB 1.936 - Questing Overrides and Improved Targeting

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Hawker, Jun 18, 2010.

    1. Hawker

      Hawker Well-Known Member Buddy Core Dev

      Jan 15, 2010
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      As well as fixing a raft of small bugs reported in the previous thread, this build has 2 important improvements:

      1. Targeting
      When moving to a quest objective, the bot now searches the local environment and if there is a hostile mob in the path, will try to kill it. This ends the problem of the bot dying too often as it quested. It also works in PVP.

      2. Quest Overrides
      Some quests are not possible to read from wow memory and we need to provide the information needed to complete it. This build allows you to override hotspots and quest handins so ending the problem of the bot running into canals in Stormwind or into the walls of Orgrimmar. Examples are provided in the file Quest Objective Override Examples.xml that I've attached.

      With this build, making safe reliable profiles that will take you to 80 is possible. You will still need to babysit the questing bot but once the profile is made it should be flawless.

      Attached Files:

    2. Nesox

      Nesox Moderator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jan 15, 2010
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      reserved for api changes
    3. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      Since Hawker managed to forget the Spells.bin explanation;

      It's more or less a small DB of en-US spell names, so the DBCs don't need to be packaged with HB anymore. This also means; less memory usage, since HB isn't double-dipping for DBC info.
    4. lowcroban

      lowcroban New Member

      May 17, 2010
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      Doesn't loot during mixed mode

      I know this build is more for questing, but I like messing with new things. It appears that the bot isn't looting when it is on "mixed" mode. However if I stop it and select "Grind Bot" it immediately detects the missed loots and tries to grab them, but if I switch it back to "mixed" it ignores the lootable mobs again.

      Installed this version to a clean directory(running default warrior cc), Cleared cache in wow folder and have attached a log. At the very bottom of the log is when I switched it to grind bot and it found the mob that hadn't been looted.

      Attached Files:

    5. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      keep the thread clear for bug reports
      if you wanna report a bug do it with a log
      useless posts or inproper bug reports will be deleted
    6. neeeo

      neeeo New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I think i found a bug with 2 quests in "Brachland" ^^
      See last log lines to see what i mean.

      Attached Files:

    7. Gosu

      Gosu New Member

      Feb 10, 2010
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      Just a question is it functional to use quest objectives in this built?
    8. Kuku

      Kuku Member

      Jan 27, 2010
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      I've got the Problem that when my Hunter has a Target and pulls another he wants to get near the first Target. But he just makes these Stop and Go's. I hope you understand what i mean.
      A target is behind me and another one is in front. My Hunter ignores the one behind me and tries to get to the one in front of him.
      But he always makes Go->Stop->Shot->Go->Stop->Shot->Go->Stop->Shot...untill he gets killed by the second Mob.
      But he seems to recognize that there is a second Attacker:

      Warning: there are 2 attackers.

      I think a Log will have no additional Informations but i will post it as you wish^^

      I've made a FRAPS record. But i cant post it here or on youtube so i will send a PM to hawker. Hope it helps you

      My Problem is part of the Problem opf Shink's(under me!)

      Sorry. Cannot send the Video to Hawker because it?is 600+MB big even in .rar . And i cant find a good converter. =(

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Jun 18, 2010
    9. shink

      shink New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Problem with targetting, attacks an enemy, then immediately targets another enemy and goes to attack them instead. Attached log, info is at the bottom.

      Attached Files:

    10. niggle

      niggle New Member

      May 13, 2010
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      Dismounts instantly when in combat when it's attacked by anything, even something 30 levels lower. Makes for very slow progress.
    11. abrie2010

      abrie2010 New Member

      Mar 12, 2010
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      Having a problem with a fresh undead priest. It will target a mob and then start to cast smite but it says target needs to be in front of you and the mob is in front of me and it will stop casting and just stand there. Using the Default CC.

      Attached Files:

    12. ajhobbs

      ajhobbs New Member

      Jun 4, 2010
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      Issue with mounting and protected inventory

      Using the stock shaman profile on a 44 enhancement shaman, this build failed (for me) to protect inventory and mailed everything to banker. It also failed to honor mount flag, instead using ghost wolf.

      Using ShamWoW latest CC, it attempts to mount, moves a little, attempts to mount again.

      This was all in Feralas using Horde-1-60-Modified.xml and grind mode.

      It is not saving mesh folder, food/drink/mount name options between restarts of HB. Mount flag, autoequip, and profile to use are being saved properly state wise.

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Jun 18, 2010
    13. wraithrider

      wraithrider New Member

      May 23, 2010
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      This part does not work, I just watched the bot go to an area to do a quest and right through a group of mobs didn't even bother searching for them or anything and ended up aggroing them all
    14. xasset

      xasset New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      in this release - will bot take low lvl quests?
    15. okeofs

      okeofs New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Probably not.
    16. Nuok

      Nuok Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      When moving to turn in some quests it spam open and closes the window and dosnt get through to the select screen; restarting the bot has no affect.

      The bug where it sometimes fails to pick up a quest is also still present.

      The default hunter attacks one target and then pulls another, often resulting in death.

      Quest over ride is working well so far.

      Weighting for looting also seems to be wrong, same as in the stable release where it will run away from a loot target after killing it then run back

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Jun 18, 2010
    17. TWKing

      TWKing New Member

      Apr 3, 2010
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      Seems to still be having a problem when turning in quests and running back and forth between the two turn in points. Log attaached

      Attached Files:

    18. Nuok

      Nuok Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      "Blacklisting quest Darnassian Intrusions",

      Dispite me having the override in place

        	<Quest Id="9352" Name="Darnassian Intrusions">
          	<Objective Type="Grind" MobId="22583" KillCount="1">
             	<Hotspot X="9062.914" Y="-6301.545" Z="22.74452" />
      And moving between 2 quest objectives continuously

      You really should be refreshing the quest order when a quest is picked up; ive seen on multiple occasions it pick up a quest with the objective right next to the quest giver (for example soaked pages) but because it doesn't refresh the quest list it end up moving away to do something else until it comes into the bots cached version.

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Jun 18, 2010
    19. Zher0

      Zher0 Member

      May 10, 2010
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      WOW this is GREAT questing working A LOT better then beta 3 thanks for the update!@
    20. wraithrider

      wraithrider New Member

      May 23, 2010
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      Bot is getting stuck trying to decide which quest to do

      [SIZE=1]Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Disrupt the Attacks.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Resting
      Blessing of Might.
      Refresh Blessing of Might.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Combat
      Judgement of Light.
      Activity: Looting Sunscale Screecher.
      Activity: Combat
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Resting
      Blessing of Might.
      Refresh Blessing of Might.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Combat
      Judgement of Light.
      Hammer of Justice.
      Divine Protection.
      Holy Light.
      Activity: Looting Hecklefang Hyena.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Resting
      Seal of Righteousness.
      Refresh Seal of Righteousness.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Resting
      Blessing of Might.
      Refresh Blessing of Might.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Resting
      Blessing of Might.
      Refresh Blessing of Might.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Supplies for the Crossroads.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Disrupt the Attacks.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Disrupt the Attacks.
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Plainstrider Menace.

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