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  • Exilebuddy - Closed Beta (30 invites)

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Apoc, Sep 24, 2013.

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    1. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      As the rumors have gotten out, we've been working on a Path of Exile bot for quite some time now. And we're finally ready to get it going for public consumption. With that said, we have roughly 30 available slots for a closed beta, for our users to help us beta test, and iron out any final kinks left in the bot.

      Please keep in mind, this is a closed beta, and we will choose people based on testing requirements. (We need to get a broad spectrum of testers, so we can ensure everything works as it should)

      With that said, please respond with the following information. If your post is not present with this information, you will not be included in the invites.

      Requirements: Skype. (Our discussions will take place via Skype IM group conversations. If you do not have Skype or cannot get Skype, please do not apply.)

      Character Class
      Character Level
      General Build (melee, ranged, dual sporker, lightning arrow ranger, etc)
      Experience with PoE (how things work, currency values, what a 'good' item is, etc)
      Botting Experience

      Please, do not PM me asking me for an invite, I will simply add you to the ignore list on my PM box... I really don't want to have to do that. I will reply with the people invited, and at that time, you can PM me your Skype details.
    2. 666

      666 New Member

      Aug 22, 2013
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      First of all , i would like to thank you for making a bot for this game this will help lot of people. Well, i am someone who played this game since alpha stage. I know pretty much everything that need to be known bout PoE. I play games for a good 16 hours a day every day. I am what we call a no lifer. My life consist of Gaming , Eating, sleeping with bio breaks in between.

      I have skype and i am really easy to get in touch with and talk to. I am mature and do things when it need to be done. I am not a slackers and do what i am asked to do (When testing need to be done). I been part of an admin team for some private servers that was working well for Runescape and i got experience from this with managing stuff and how to be on top of the game on a project.

      I will now give you my current PoE informations.

      Character Class: I have one of each class. I never restrict myself to only one class. I love playing everything that the game offer.

      Character Level: To be honest, if i was picked , i would start over with fresh level for the sole purpose of gathering all information that need to be gathered from start to finish. If a specific level is needed for you guys, well that's not a problem as with the amount of time i can spend, getting any level is a piece of cake.

      General Build (melee, ranged, dual sporker, lightning arrow ranger, etc): Like mentioned in the "Character class" answer. I play every single class and try different builds so i have more than a single specific build. If you guys need to get a specific build tested, i will switch to said build. I have no preference and will be happy to test what is needed to be tested and switch class,build when asked to.

      Experience with PoE (how things work, currency values, what a 'good' item is, etc): As mentioned i been playing since alpha stage. I know pretty much everything that need to be known bout the game.

      Botting Experience : I been botting since Diablo 1 back in the days. Since then i been botting most bottable games.. Not only because its an easy way to get something but because i love watching the bot get better and better. I love watching progression of my characters as well due to said bots.

      I do have skype and know how to use it well.

      Thanks for giving people this opportunity and will be happy to test exilebuddy for 10-15 hours a day every day of the week.
    3. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      Send me a PM with your skype details, we'll get you added. :)
    4. IeU

      IeU Member

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Finally :)

      I do have Skype, will PM details if i get accepted.

      Character Class Duelist / Marauder / played all of them, but these two are my favorites
      Character Level 64 / 60 / and tons of lower and dead ones from HC :)
      General Build (melee, ranged, dual sporker, lightning arrow ranger, etc) Leap + Heavy Strike / Explosive Arrow <- Playing this two as of right now, but tried a lot of other builds before
      Experience with PoE (how things work, currency values, what a 'good' item is, etc) Playing since closed-beta, well since they started almost, various chars in every league possible
      Botting Experience tsw, d3, wow, gw2, UO

      The two are my main right now, playing Onsl. but i did have tons of chars before these two, mostly in Hardcore.
    5. Lipie

      Lipie Member

      Nov 18, 2010
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      I would definitely give this a shot.

      Character Class: I have played a lightning arrow/blood magic ranger & Marauder. Apart from these I lost a lot of chars on hardcore and I played about 15 races (of which I gotten a price 9 times)

      Character Level: I have the ranger @ 65 , marauder @ 50 and a couple of 20+

      General Build (melee, ranged, dual sporker, lightning arrow ranger, etc):
      Melee Tank / Fire Marauder build: Passive Skill Tree - Path of Exile

      Lightning arrow ranged/blood magic Ranger Build: Passive Skill Tree - Path of Exile

      Freeze pulser witch.

      Experience with PoE (how things work, currency values, what a 'good' item is, etc:
      Being in love with grinding (yeah, I know, that's weird) I''ve grown to love min - maxing everything in these kind of games, this goes hand in hand with perfect item knowledge.

      Botting Experience: Well, long story ! I started with simple script in the world of warcraft beta, moved on to glider, got banned, moved on to the buddy team and was not disappointed. I continued botting for years in WoW, Lineage2, Diablo3, Rift, GW2 I can't even remember them all. I also made my own Eve-Online belt mining script.

      Oh, and I'm a lifetimer from back in the days!

      I would be able to run the bot for about 13hours a day. I'm also willing to get into some basic profiles (if it works with such a thing ?)

      My skype is active 24/7 , if i'm selected I will send my info.
    6. tozededao

      tozededao Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Crossposting from OC

      Character Class - All

      Character Level - 88, 70, 77, 62, 75, 70, 68, 75

      General Build (melee, ranged, dual sporker, lightning arrow ranger, etc) - Dual Sporker MF(main), Physical Cleave, Dual Ele-Hit, Facebreaker, Elemental Wander, Freezing Pulser, Crit Discharger, Fire Discharger

      Experience with PoE (how things work, currency values, what a 'good' item is, etc) - I have about 110 exalts worth of currency on Anarchy and probably another 50 worth of gear. I've leveled multiple characters due to S3 races, reached 500 points, also completed all the challenges for the Anarchy/Onslaught leagues.

      Botting Experience - I've played a lot of MMO's and I can assure that I botted or at least tried to in about 75% of them. Probably used more about 20/30 automated tools. As far for bots these are the ones I remember right now : Silkroad(gotta love those clientless bots running 40 chars), WoW, Age of Conan, D3, FFXIV ARR,GW2, SWTOR, Neverwinter, Rift, Tera, Lineage 2, etc.

      I'm always up with ideas about features, possible fixes, and probably plugin developing since I would like to start doing it because I never used my programming skills into developing anything game related.

      I've already been on one of the Skype Honorbuddy Groups when changes on PVP were being made, later 2012.
    7. la7eralus

      la7eralus New Member

      Jul 22, 2010
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      Character Class: Witch, Duelist, Templar, Ranger
      Character Level: 77, 78, 58, 62, 58, 75
      General Build (melee, ranged, dual sporker, lightning arrow ranger, etc): Leap Slap Duelist, Freezing Witch, LA Ranger, Elemental Cleave Templar
      Experience with PoE (how things work, currency values, what a 'good' item is, etc): Extensive, multiple recipes known by heart, extensive understanding of item, game, area, and mob mechanics.
      Botting Experience: World of Warcraft, Diablo 3, both with buddy bots. I have written several profiles, profile packs, and edited plugin packs over the years for the community to use and enjoy contributing to the community. I have botted POE with other bots on the market, and while they are functional I do have to say I have always liked Buddy's profiling system, and would very much like to be able to start producing content for not only myself but others as well.
    8. oskylol

      oskylol New Member

      Nov 21, 2012
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      I was eagerly waiting for this bot :D It's finally here and i would love to help test this !

      Character Class: I have atleast a couple of each class (love trying builds)
      Character Level: I got about 12+ chars ranging from 70 to 84 (some of them are from 1week/1month races that got carried to the "legacy" leagues)
      General Build (melee, ranged, dual sporker, lightning arrow ranger, etc) Some of them: Ele cleave Templar, 1h+shield double strike Shadow&marauder, LA ranger&marauder, low life spork Wich MFer, Marauder EK tank, Wich summoner...
      Experience with PoE (how things work, currency values, what a 'good' item is, etc) I've been playing for about 10 months so I know how things work
      Botting Experience I've botted D2,D3(with ur bot :D),Tibia, WoW, and some poe with the Exiled-bot(pretty basic stuff, needs something way better)
    9. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      Please PM me your skype names, and I'll add you guys ASAP.
    10. Lipie

      Lipie Member

      Nov 18, 2010
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      Hi there Apoc, could you confirm you received my pm ? The forum has been slow for me the last hour or so, I don't want to spam pm.
    11. IeU

      IeU Member

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Just check your sent items . . .

      HEADSTYLE New Member

      Jul 2, 2013
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      What is that? Exilebuddy?
    13. la7eralus

      la7eralus New Member

      Jul 22, 2010
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      Yea same here, the PM isnt showing under sent messages, but not wanting to spam I'll just wait and hopefully it went through ;)
    14. zanwins

      zanwins New Member

      Oct 1, 2012
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      Character Class: Mostly Marauder and Witch, but a mix of everything
      Character Level: various ranging from ~20-80
      General Build: Multiple Sporkers, Axe based blender, Freeze Pulser and more.
      Experience with PoE: Played since Closed Beta, know the difference between a fusing and a chromatic ;)
      Botting Experience: WoW, GW2, PoE(at a very basic level)
    15. Lipie

      Lipie Member

      Nov 18, 2010
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      Yeah, it's not like I can't read, I tried 3 times and gave up when the sent box was still empty :)
    16. IeU

      IeU Member

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Well, my message got sent and is showing under sent items, so everything should be fine on my end here . . .

      Still havent got a Skype invite, but well lets just wait a bit till Apoc shows up.
    17. ogg

      ogg New Member

      Oct 12, 2011
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      Character Class: Multiple(8+)
      Character Level: Multiple again ranging between some low 30 alts to my 90 main.
      General Build (melee, ranged, dual sporker, lightning arrow ranger, etc): Ranged preferred due to desync and stuff, multiple sporker characters(MF and Survival builds), LA ranger, ROA Mara so most of the strong range builds I've tried out.
      Experience with PoE (how things work, currency values, what a 'good' item is, etc): Been playing since 1 month after OB was released, know it all.
      Botting Experience: D2, WoW, GW2, POE, D3 and NW.

      Cheers for the chance!
    18. dymon

      dymon New Member

      Feb 19, 2013
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      Character Class Ranger / Witch /
      Character Level 36 / 43 /
      General Build (melee, ranged, dual sporker, lightning arrow ranger, etc) lightning arrow
      Experience with PoE (how things work, currency values, what a 'good' item is, etc) playing few weeks i hate H&S game i can only boting
      Botting Experience WoW 3-4 years and Diablo 3
    19. declensionsone

      declensionsone New Member

      Jul 13, 2012
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      Character Class: Maurader / Witch
      Character Level: 87 / 88 (Hardcore League). I have some lvl 80-86 on default league as well i could use for testing purpose, but like someone else said, it doesnt take long to make a char. 2-3 days playing by hand to get to lvl 80+, even on HC.
      General Build: Righteous Fire, Dual Sporker, Freezing Pulse
      Experience with PoE: Played when it first came out so I'm pretty knowledgeable about builds and items. I really enjoy the game too but haven't had time to play much lately.
      Botting Experience: Mainly D3. Some Runescape, tera online, and ragnarok back in the day. I have 3 high-spec computers which are dedicated to botting. Specs: i2600k (4 core), i3770k (4 core), i3930k (6 core), 32gb ram, SSD
    20. Taintedz

      Taintedz New Member

      Jun 11, 2012
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      Requirements: Skype. (Our discussions will take place via Skype IM group conversations. If you do not have Skype or cannot get Skype, please do not apply.)

      Character Class - None right now, got all mine banned (botting)
      Character Level - None right now, got all mine banned (botting)
      General Build - Dual Spork, GS Maras,
      Experience with PoE - Have had many 60+ chars botting PoE, items are pretty easy to tell if theyre good
      Botting Experience - World of Warcraft, Diablo 3, Diablo 2, League of Legends, Runescape, Maplestory, Path of Exile, World of Tanks, SWTOR, probably missing some ... lol
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