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  • Exilebuddy (SotV) Release/Beta Revision Guide

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by pushedx, Mar 7, 2014.

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    1. pushedx

      pushedx Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Sep 24, 2013
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      This thread will detail the current state of the Exilebuddy bot so users know exactly what to expect when using it from here on out. It will be edited/updated frequently, so please check it time to time.

      With the SotV update, Path of Exile has once again updated to be more challenging and fun to play. As the game continues to evolve and change in this manner, botting becomes more challenging and requires more maintenance/user intervention than before. While it is our goal to try and provide the best bot possible, there are, and always will be imperfections with the bot due to how it has to interact with the client. In short, when the game mechanics change or the game significantly updates, we have to change our bot development strategy.

      However, keeping everything up to date does take time, so rather than not having a working bot out, we release something that "mostly works" so people can make the most out of it (which a lot do). The bot will not work flawlessly in all areas and might not support all the current features in every league. Due to the nature of this game, some users will find ways to make the bot work really well in certain areas using certain builds. However, since a lot of users try to run a business with the bot, a lot of that information is kept under wraps. If you choose to use the bot to run a business with, it's up to you to make the most out of what we have to provide. We'll try our best to give you the tools you need, but this is a high maintenance game, so you will need to spend some time working out how to make the best of things.

      Usage Information:
      • Please download a clean copy of the bot for the SotV update.
      • Please enable "Always Highlight" in the UI options. If you don't the bot will have issues with some interactions.
      • "Move" needs to be on your skill bar. If it is not, the bot will not move and tell you to place it there.
      • You should enable "Key Pickup" so the bot doesn't click on random items.
      • You should not leave the bot unattended in an area you have not botted before. Some areas work well, some do not. It depends on your build and the RNG of the map generation. Some areas have known issues that we cannot fix yet, because changing logic would result in other areas breaking.

      General Information:
      1. Update Deployment - As with any big update, there's no reason to release a bot in less than a day, because of the number of patches that typically follow. It still seems like GGG is tweaking quite a few things, so the beta will be deployed tomorrow if there aren't any new patches made after 1.1.0d. It was planned for tonight, but before this thread was finished, another patch went up.
      2. Additional Requirements - Please see this thread to install the pre-requisites for running the bot. If you do not, it will most likely crash on startup.
      3. Updating vs Downloading - It's no secret that sometimes the updater messes up. It's provided because it mostly works for people, but I would recommend downloading each new bot version and running a clean copy rather than updating. That way, you'll have your old stuff saved, and if the new version has a bug, you can report it and still have something to use until it's fixed.
      4. Beta vs Release - Please see this thread. Release is a fixed version that is not updated between patch versions unless a critical bug is found or there are too many beta versions pending. Beta is an ever changing version that we use to find ways to make the bot better and fix bugs. You should use the Release version for stable botting unless it has a bug that we fix in the Beta version. In that case, you'll use the Beta until we get the changes made into the next Release. Sometimes, Beta will break from changes, so if you like a particular version, you should save the download file rather than updating the bot.
      5. Currency Drops - They seem different in the new leagues. You should probably play by hand to get a feel for the drop rate before botting so you don't think you are currency flagged. The basic grind bot we provide is not specialized to starting in new leagues from nothing. As a result, it's highly recommended you play a bit and work up gear and currency for your character. As when any new leagues come out, GGG changes up things on the server to try and detect botters and RMTers, so please keep this in mind when botting.
      6. Invasion League - The bot is simply not advanced enough to live in this league on its own. You're more than welcome to try and make it work, but chances are, you will get destroyed by the new mechanics. If you have not played this league any by hand, please don't bot it and then complain to us that the bot sucks and keeps dying. I did some early level testing by hand, and there's a lot of "wtf" things happening now (for example).
      7. Strongboxes - The bot will now open strong boxes of the different types based on your bot settings. By default, it will open them all and you cannot filter them any further. However, this functionality will change in the future because you might not want to open strong boxes in certain areas. Likewise, you might not want to open magic+ strong boxes because of the random mods. There are mods that make the box act as a necromancer, which makes low DPS builds get stuck killing the same mobs over and over.
      8. Shrines - Now that shrines are a core part of the game, our logic has to be updated to work with them better than it was before. For now, the bot will act pretty stupid around shrines, and most likely stand in the effects while killing mobs and opening chests, but we'll work on updating that logic after taking care of the big SotV updates.
      9. Maps - Automatic map farming is not implemented, and will most likely be implemented via a dedicated map bot in the future. Automatically running maps is not currently a priority when there are random bot stuck issues, bot logic is not flexible enough, and the nature of maps being a limited resource. As soon as the non-map issues are mostly worked out, then it makes sense to start trying to run maps. If we add automatic map farming, but the bot isn't able to complete them with good efficiency, then it's more or less a useless feature for most people.
      10. Boss Farming - This will most likely be moved into its own dedicated bot in the near future. Trying to add support to the current grind bot complicates things and makes the bot harder to manage. If it was in its own bot, we could actually implement shortcuts to make it work well (such as running the right way to get to the boss rather than exploring).
      11. Vaal Skills - Not fully supported yet. We'll work in support as time goes on, since the usage mechanics require API updates for them.
      12. Corrupted Areas - Not currently supported. We'll work in support as time goes on, since we need to find some and do a bunch of testing. You can enable them through editing the setting in your config file, but they are not officially supported yet (which is why there is no GUI option for them).
      13. Nemesis Mods - Now that they are a core part of the game, we'll need to expand API support to expose them if they are not already exposed. This is simply to allow more CR support so the bot can not fight mods with certain mods, which is going to be a feature that might be required.
      14. Doors - Door logic is still using the short term fix introduced a few versions ago. It should mostly work, but there are cases where the bot will do things like open unnecessary doors to avoid any problems. We hope to fix this issue in the future.
      15. CRs - The Exile CR is just an example of a CR. A lot of people use it as-is without any modifications. While we would like to make it a little more advanced, we cannot possible write a CR that uses all skills the way a user wants. One thing that has been noticed is bug fixes made to the CR are not carried over into user CRs, because they are using their own. If you modify the CR, please watch for bug fixes so you don't run into issues.
      16. Random Input Issues - We need to rework the input logic again and change the bot logic to try and avoid the random stuck issues. Some users have found ways to fix the issues they see by not using certain skills, or by adding random button clicking, but those are not the solution to the issue. Some things changed in the client for this update that will make the bot exhibit more issues than before. We'll be working on smoothing out those issues, but it might be best to babysit the bot for now.
      17. Bugs - As with any big update, there's bound to be bugs. We've tested as much as we can without delaying the bot deployment too long. Please report anything that seems broken so we can take a look into it. Please attach both your normal log and error log so we have something to refer to. Simply telling us something is broken without attaching logs isn't enough, so we'll ask you to provide them most of the time unless it's an obvious bug.
      18. API docs, guides, etc... - This is planned to be worked on really soon, but some core things need to change first. After we get most of the SotV bumps smoothed out, we'll begin giving more attention to this since it's long overdue.
      19. Avoiding getting banned - Please see this thread. Also note that GGG can read these public forums, so whatever clever methods you talk about, they are aware of.
      20. FPS - Some users have tried running PoE at under 20 FPS. It seems when doing so, the bot has a lot of issues with interaction. This is due to the way the client works, so please run the game at a higher FPS until we can see if we can add support for lower FPS clients.
      21. Running from a networked Windows folder - .Net has security restrictions in place that you'll need to disable. To do this, simply create a new file called "ExilebuddyBETA.exe.config" with the following contents. It should be placed in the folder where "ExilebuddyBETA.exe" is. If you are not using the Beta version, so not include "BETA" in the file title.

      Additional Requirements

      Useful Resources



      #61 [08 Aug 14 04:33]
      • Updates for

      #60 [24 Jul 14 01:54]
      • Updates for

      #59 [16 Jul 14 04:04]
      • Updates for

      #58 [04 Jul 14 05:12]
      • Updates for

      #57 [03 Jul 14 06:11]
      • Updates for

      #56 [20 Jun 14 04:20]
      • Updates for

      #55 [13 Jun 14 07:52]
      • Updates for

      #54 [06 Jun 14 07:25]
      • Updates for

      #52 [04 Jun 14 14:40]
      • Updates for
      • PortalToTownPoi should now not logout after taking a portal to town.
      • PortalGemToTownCoroutine timeout increased so it doesn't bail due to the long cast.

      #51 [29 May 14 06:39 ]
      • Updates for
      • Bug fix for Curse on Hit not allowing the active skill to be cast.
      • ClickToMoveTo now uses a smaller distance between hops rather than a random larger value which was causing the bot to stop moving due to gui collisions.
      • Fixed an issue in ClickToMoveTo where the path was traversed too fast, causing it to skip parts it needed to travel through first.

      #49 [08 May 14 22:33]
      • Updates for
      • Added LokiPoe.InGameState.IsDebugOverlayShowing to know when the debug overlay is being displayed or not.
      • Jade/Granite flask buff should now be correct in Exile.
      • The gem leveler plugin should not throw gui errors when removing gems and then reloading them.
      • The bot will now use Quicksilver flasks for movement again.
      • Added LocalData.MapMods to get the current mods for the area.
      • Monster.IsCursable updated to handle MapMonstersAreImmuneToCurses.

      #48 [04 May 14 23:14]
      • Spelling fix for jeweller's strongbox.
      • Fixed a bug in WriteStdWString where the wrong capacity was written.
      • Added PartyStatus.Invited;
      • Reverted pathfinding radius back to 1 from 2.
      • Added MaxStashTabsToRequest to character settings to increase or decrease the number of stash tabs requested. This is a non-gui setting.

      #46 [02 May 14 01:41]
      • Updated ClickToMoveTo to close blocking windows during mid-movement.
      • ExplorePoi now closes blocking windows upon entry.
      • Lowered default ClickToMoveTo distance to avoid some issues where the cursor can be offscreen.
      • CloseBlockingWindows now closes the Instance Manager if it is open.
      • WaypointPoi was missing logic to close blocking windows, which could cause the bot to get stuck in stash. It has been added.
      • Default Skill Registration added for Vaal Reave, Vaal FireTrap, Vaal Sweep, and Molten Strike. Convocation is not added, because it requires special logic, and the other Vaal Auars are not supported yet, as they need to be tested first.

      #45 [02 May 14 00:14]
      • Please download a clean copy. The previous versions cannot auto-update. Future versions should update correctly now.
      • Fixed a logic issue in ClickToMoveTo that was moving the cursor too close to close between movement positions, causing stuttering and delays.
      • Added Molten Strike to the skills usable by Soul Taker.
      • The autoupdate check was readded as it should work correctly. A mistake was made during testing it, which is why it was removed.

      #43 [01 May 14 12:04]
      • Please download a clean copy. Your other versions cannot auto-update.
      • The AutoUpdate system has been temporarily disabled, as the separate versioning from Beta is not supported with our current design. The previous Release cannot autoupdate with it enabled.
      • This is a client version maintenance update. No known EB bugs have been fixed, as efforts are being made to fix them in the new Beta version being worked on. We're sorry for the inconvenience and the delays, but it's for the best for long term EB development.
      • Updated to
      • The bot will now only request up to 10 stash tabs. This is just a temp work around for the bot not requesting all your stash tabs.
      • The bot should now handle clean exits from the gui a bit better than before rather than logging you out of the game.
      • LokiPoe.AcquireFrame logic updated to try and address loading screen crashes again using a new method.
      • Added an experimental fix to try and prevent the client from dropping input. Exploration has also changed to use the method, so there might be unintended side effects.
      • Default skill gem list has been updated. If you manage your own lists, add the following skills: Spell Echo, Convocation, Vaal Reave, Molten Strike, Vaal Clarity, Vaal Grace, Vaal Discipline, Vaal Haste, Vaal FireTrap, Vaal Sweep.


      Please see this thread.
      Last edited: Aug 8, 2014
    2. pushedx

      pushedx Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Sep 24, 2013
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      Last edited: May 1, 2014
    3. pushedx

      pushedx Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Sep 24, 2013
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      Input/Movement Changes

      [March 17th]

      Beta version #700 contained some changes to how the bot interacts with the client. Rather than telling people to enable Always Highlight, and then depending on that value being correctly set, the bot can now detect if the option is enabled or not. Using this information, it can toggle the setting on or off as needed. This helps a lot of users who haven't read this thread or are unfamiliar with the game, as the bot won't have issues taking portals, opening doors, or interacting with area transitions. From about the day's worth of testing, the feature worked exactly as it should have, except for a door issue where the logic was missed. As a result, the bot had issues opening doors, because our other logic required Always Highlighting to be enabled. This was just a minor issue, and is just another example of why the input code needs to be updated so problems like that can be avoided.

      The new input code that is being worked on (it's not yet in the bot, or even finished) attempts to fix a lot of random issues when it comes to interaction and movement. For example, right now, the bot has a lot of issues with chest clusters. This is due to how the client works with the cursor hit box testing. As a result, a lot of people report that the bot isn't using the break chest skill or is getting stuck around them and not opening them. The bot is actually working exactly as it should, it's just that it cannot handle cases where the client fails to do what is expected of it. The bot asks the client the cast a spell on a chest, but the client doesn't perform that action due to a number of factors. In order to have a bot that is able to handle those cases properly, and work a lot better, we need to change how we go about a lot of things, all of which start with having a better input system.

      Adding API support for Always Highlight is just the start in addressing some of the input issues people have been reporting. Some users like playing with it on all the time so they can see what items are on the ground, and stop the bot to pick them up. This should still be possible moving forward, but in some cases, always highlight needs to be disabled so the bot does not get stuck in very specific scenarios. One such scenario is opening strong boxes. The label is so large that the bot can be trying to move around it, but it ends up targeting the strong box instead, due to how the client works. In order to fix this issue, Always Highlight needs to be off, so the bot doesn't target the GUI label by mistake. This is one specific example where the new changes will come in handy, as a lot of people can't have their bots getting stuck on strong boxes.

      In most other cases, Always Highlight can be enabled and left on without issues, as long as Key Pickup is enabled. The bot will continue to need Key Pickup enabled in the short term to avoid looting various trash items that are in the way, but in the future, that issue should be able to be worked around. For now though, it's needed. As new changes are made and worked into the bot, I'll add information to this post for reference as a lot of people are wondering why we have to do some of the things we do in this game. Everything we are doing is to move the bot forward into being a lot more stable and reliable, while cutting down on the random stuck issues that can happen.
      Last edited: Mar 17, 2014
    4. benkoren

      benkoren New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Thanks for the updates. Keep up the good work.
    5. kuskner

      kuskner Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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      Thanks for the update :)
    6. Vamp2613

      Vamp2613 New Member

      Mar 18, 2013
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      Good job and thank you!

      Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using TheBuddyForum mobile app
    7. tozededao

      tozededao Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      By any chance could you add the possibility for a plugin or a botbase to have some of the functions your ECP had such as warning exiles, large chests and now, corrupted zones or strongboxes nearby?
    8. Vamp2613

      Vamp2613 New Member

      Mar 18, 2013
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      Just ran into skeletal shrine in the catacombs. Bot cannot get passed because skeletons are summoned right when the others are killed. Bot does not know to grab shrine to stop skeletons. Just reporting this for future testing. :)

      Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using TheBuddyForum mobile app
    9. Amoney21

      Amoney21 New Member

      Jun 6, 2012
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      I apologize if this has already been mentioned, but every time I start the bot my PoE freezes, I still hear game sounds but the game is completely frozen even though the bot connects to it. Any help is appreciated!
    10. pushedx

      pushedx Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Sep 24, 2013
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      Yeap, this infamous Skeleton shrine issue has not been fixed yet (and probably never will be 100% avoidable). We will try to add in specific logic to handle it though, but right now we have to make sure the big SotV issues are taken care of. That other shrine where the mobs are invulnerable will also still be an issue.

      Keeping within the scope of what we are allowed to do here, it is indeed possible to write a simple plugin that watches for various entities and plays a sound when they are in range. You won't be able to join instances and know what's there though; your bot has to be in range of it. After things get settled down a bit with the random bugs and stuff, making something like that shouldn't be too hard. I've still gotta find some of the new corrupted areas to test for those for other stuff, so I couldn't make a simple example for it right now anyways.

      Please make a thread in the Support section with your logs and we'll check it out. The crashes seem to be rare and new, but it might be due to some recent changes in non-bot code that are causing them. Not too sure yet, but we'll check it out. I've not come across any crashes yet myself.

      Please make a thread in the Support section with your logs and the issue so we have a dedicated thread for it.
    11. tozededao

      tozededao Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      The Corrupted zones are easy to be find with a maphack but the strongbox detection, would be amazing :)
    12. James Blake

      James Blake New Member

      Mar 9, 2014
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      I downloaded the most recent Beta but I still receive the following error:

      Exilebuddy is up to date!
      This version of the game is not currently supported with this build! Current game version supported: poe- B. Current Client Hash: C43B7CC2, Expected: C43B7CC2
    13. Nexic

      Nexic Member

      Aug 30, 2013
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      So when the bot chickens out, it goes back into the same instance that it chicken'ed from. I don't think that logic is a very good one as the reason why you chickened was probably because you couldn't kill a monster. Is there a way to turn this option off?
    14. pushedx

      pushedx Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Sep 24, 2013
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      There's a lot of reasons why returning to the area that you chickened for makes sense, but I don't think that's the issue you are actually seeing.

      Right now, the bot does not create new instances for areas leading up to the grind area. If you chickened out in one of those areas that was not your grind area, the bot would always go back through it, as long as it has not expired. We'll have an option to change that behavior in the future.

      I'm pretty sure that's what was happening for you, but you can double check.
    15. Nexic

      Nexic Member

      Aug 30, 2013
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      Master of insight pushedx, it is indeed the problem. Thanks for clearing that up ;) I love you. P.S. What about the idea about RF snapshotting?
    16. a4tech111

      a4tech111 New Member

      Apr 15, 2012
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      bot gives an error that the wrong version of the game tell me how to fix it?
    17. Matejko

      Matejko Member

      Sep 26, 2013
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      We must w8
    18. a4tech111

      a4tech111 New Member

      Apr 15, 2012
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      I understand very little English. turns out that would work should be put windows 8?
    19. gotteshand

      gotteshand New Member

      Jun 7, 2012
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      So if map farming and boss farming will get separate bots does that mean we'll have to pay for them separately or will they be included in exilebuddy?
    20. sakusa

      sakusa New Member

      Dec 9, 2011
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      w8 = w+eight = wait

      so we have to wait for a new release for the newest poe patch
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