Farewell to Honorbudy and wow! the f*ck with this.. this bot is no longer safe and became high risk.... If you plan to bot do it with an account you dont give a shit with.! Funny how I only had 1 account online.. and got 4 accounts banned. Grrrrr
Became high risk? If you didn't know it was high risk back in May then you are an idiot. Since May I've assumed that any wow account HB has touched is now flagged by blizz and susceptible to ban wave. Simple as that.
Loser, I have 5 fresh account that has been botting since may.. they all just got banned.. all using a different name + different IP the account that got banned in may still unbanned since i never reopened it,.... SO before calling someone an idiot.. know the facts....
This seems right. Lost my main today, and I've only used hb for getting coordinates and stuff on that acc.
Laughing hard to these topics.. It's not first banwave ever, it's not first tripwire.. Botting is not anyway 100% safe, who rly think HB is undetecable or not high risk when botting is high risk from the start. And this stuff is reason why i never write to botting community :|
This exactly. I got my first account back from the 6 month ban in may, botted a 2nd account during the wait time. Both my accounts are just fine still after today, while botting up until this morning at 7ish AM. My only guess is probably BG/Arena detection or something, who knows.
No here your wrong. I'm just back to wow botting after 2.5 years away. Started a new clean battle net account 5 days ago. Clean account, boosted to 90, kicks to 100 today used Hanzoo for a few dungeons, very active in guild talking most of the last 3 days no battle groungs and arenas played , just got 6 month ban.
Nope. 2 Accounts banned, both of them weren't involved in PvP, ever. Never used BG Buddy, or even did a BG/Arena on those Accs at all. The toons had like 1 or 2 overall honorable kills