hey as the title says i want to farm some guild reputation for some twink equip. my guild mates said i would get rep by doing some quests. can you suggest a pretty afk-able profile which provides me pretty much rep? sorry if this question is unnecessary but i didnt find anything to this topic
Kickazz has got alot of cataclysm quest-profiles you could run with the 100% guild-rep tabard on, and also reputation-quests gains alot.
OP Is talking about twink gear, it's very difficult do build guild rep at a low level. Your best bet is to get guildies to do instances with you (3 guildies give you a guild group), or if you're level appropriate arena with a guildie. That gives you SO much rep. If you do 1-85 just with questing and break it up into two weeks, you'll be honored with the guild.
On my warlock I managed to go from neutral to honored in the whole 85 levels by questing. I joined my guild at level 1, and by the time I was 85 I was just slightly less than honored. I did a guild dungeon run and gained honored that way. Like they said, it's better to do arenas and guild dungeons. You can do this with an 85, buy the heirlooms, then send them to your alt that you want to twink. If that's not what you're talking about, then I'm not sure what twink gear you want. I haven't seen any gear other than the heirloom head and back slot that's in the guild items to buy. I could be wrong, but those are the only two pieces I've seen to purchase and I'm exalted with my guild.