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  • FATE bot turning round to chase aggro

    Discussion in 'Rebornbuddy Forum' started by Shambo, Dec 5, 2014.

    1. Shambo

      Shambo New Member

      Jul 4, 2014
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      Been watching FATE bot run this morning and it's missed several FATEs in East Shroud because it gets some aggro while travelling to the FATE, reaches the FATE, then turns around and runs back to attack the aggro - which oftentimes, has already stopped chasing player or would have done had it attacked the FATE instead. 9 times out of 10, the mob player is chasing isn't even chasing me any more by time I've tracked back to it, at which point the bot attacks it, spends 20 seconds killing it before running back to FATE (sometimes drawing more aggro and repeating the process).

      Surely there's a solution you guys can implement for this?
    2. Endus

      Endus Community Developer

      Jul 9, 2012
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      Logic wise it sounds simple.

      If fate mob or mob is targeting player (maybe also if mob is tagged or battlecharacter so that we keep fighting it even if someone else pulls aggro)

      The problem is the bot base controls targeting and I think once it sets a target poi it doesn't change until the target dies or another aggro target gets closer. mastahg would have to change the poi to clear if all of the above was false, not just if the poi is dead.

      I'm sure there's a lot more that goes into it but we can't see the bot base code so I don't know. mastahg would have to set the record straight.
      Last edited: Dec 5, 2014
    3. Shambo

      Shambo New Member

      Jul 4, 2014
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      Yeah, I mean all it really needs to do is attack the FATE first. If aggro still follows, that can be dealt with when it reaches you, it just needs to get check on FATE and not keep running back and forth after something has stopped chasing. It also does it when it returns to Aetheryte in East Shroud - reaches Aeth, a safe zone where aggro can't enter, still has something on target list which hasn't yet cleared so runs back and chases it.

      Biggest issue - aside from a lot of wasted exp - is it looks like bot behaviour.

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