Whenever I run Fatebot with certain classes (maybe level related), the bot times out very very soon. In this case, after killing 2 mobs. In the log attached, that's immediately after the first dc, that happened after killing just 1 mob. Using Kupo CR with Agil/Patrol/Zekken. This happened with a lv 9 Rogue. I've also noticed the same issue on my lv ~20 Gladiator. I don't have issues with any other classes I've tried so far. I'm not sure if it's a problem with the class or level. Any help would be appreciated. View attachment 2940 2015-03-30 18.10.txt
Patrol was crashing RB and sometimes the game itself. I wouldn't use it. When I have it turned off, I have little to no issues with Fate Bot.
awww that's a shame.. . I love patrol for the extra exp I guess I'll level up while spiritbonding then Thanks for the help!