Hi All woke up this morning to check on char i left bottling last night until the servers went down for maintenance and when i logged on i noticed my character was full red geared and that my body was in the jade forest way out into a fatigued zone. My bot was running a profile farming golden lotus rep keys in the vale. i did notice that my bot would try to attack any alliance that was near by but thats not been so much of a issue as my server is horde dominated. Is this a GM thats teleported me or alliance thats aggroed me there? possibly a bot gone wild?
can just happen sometimes... have had situations where profiles haven't had mailboxes listed so the bot tries to fly back to the old world to empty bags, fatiguing itself in the process. It's more likely that the profile bugged out rather than someone killing your bot for a good 30mins
I've seen the bot fly out to the middle of fatigued water a few times in Northrend. Seems to only happen if I had run other profiles for a bit before leaving it on one for awhile. I just always fresh-start GB between profiles now and only start it up when I'm in the right zone for the profile.
There used to be a bug where you would randomly end up in west fall and some other open world places after a bg.