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  • feature request: faster mouse moments or allow us to choose mouse moment speed speed.

    Discussion in 'Hearthbuddy Forum' started by surgelol, Sep 20, 2015.

    1. surgelol

      surgelol New Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Whenever there are full boards, our bot is very blatant. humans attack from right to left, or left to right, or in order of importance. Where as the bot takes random minions and attacks with them, one by one with a delay.
      so if you had like 7 numbered minions it can go like: 7, sec 3, sec, 5 sec. So I guess two things that would work out is ether human like attack orders, or faster mouse moments.
      I think there is a pause in case an opponent has a death rattle, or a secret, or some other mechanic that could change conditions and require recalculations. We can still have the pause, but if we can increase the mouse speed and decrease the pause time it could let us attack seamlessly. That's kind of the goal here.
      I do notice like fps problems and slight freezing that happens however we can remedy that by making the resolution of the game smaller, and upping the juice on hb and hs via task manager.
      So yea, just add a "slider bar" that will allow us to change the movement mouse moment speed of the bot.

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