So i'm not that bothered, about the ban considering i've just left it running whilst i take a nice long sleep. The bot was doing WoD dungeons (got to 98 from around 94) my question is would they be looking intensely at my account considering it's a Final warning? Or should i just carry on botting on when i get unbanned but actually supervise the bot for any mistakes it could of made?
I don't think supervising would help, they can see your ram and if anyone reports you and they decide to check on you they can see you used bot. So on your spot if you care for your account i would stop, because it's better to have main acc without botting than having perma banned acc. cheers
Without having a lot of information.. from my experience even 5-boxing dungeons (90-100) takes a hell of a lot of dungeons with a tricked out group all running tuanha routines. running random dungeons from lvl 94-98, what 60 dungeons? Dungeonbuddy is glitchy right now you probobly got reported from people for not responding/pulling shit/messing up on bosses the list goes on. next time maybe grind or quest or watch dungeonbuddy 24/7(Not sure if u did not enough info in post)? good luck!