So I have been botting on my main account, with my characters I've had for a LONG time. I've kept safe and have finally managed to ding a mage to 85. My 5th 85 on the account. Class: Mage Race: Human Time Played: 7 days 14 hours ~ So, here is how I did it: 1-60: Kicks Alliance 1-60 Questing Profile 60-70: PvP (Eye of the Storm), Instance buddy, and some hand questing 70-80: Archaeology. That's it. 80-85: Archybuddy , With a little questing by hand to open all the ports. Anyways, I am satisfied. There were a few hick-ups, but I can't wait to level a pally now. ***READ*** If you plan on botting a mage, don't instance buddy. You will be asked for food, and if you don't give it, they get mad. They also will question you because what mage won't give food let alone respond? Also, I suggest FPSware Mage. It worked the best for me.
First grats on the success. I am currently in the process of leveling a druid and am at 71 currently. I did have a quick question for you: How often did you do arch each day? Thanks in advance and congrats again! ~Kevin
Um, honestly, about 15 hours a day. Sometimes more sometimes less. I run it at night while I sleep, and during the day if I am home.
Congrats on the success. Mage is one of the last classes I need to level up, hopefully mine will start soon.
Hey, Good to hear this succes story. I am also botting one too, and i wanna ask u; how long did 70-85 take with arch.?
jees well done my /played is ge is 7 days lol my mage is lvl 75 atm lvling with arch/IB atm to 80 then prob arch to 85 not sure yet.
Hey guys, i'm not perfekt in english, but is it right that u leveld from 70 - 85 with arch. (The new job that came in cataclysm? xD) .
Hm okay just got a question about the arch. leveling, becouse i'm leveling through questing and it takes years :/ . Well my mage is level 76 atm. Will it give the full exp from the first skillpoint or does my char first have to get a skill from maybe above 300+ to gain enough exp to level fast enough with arch? And do i need a profile to download from here to level through arch. I'm very new to botting :/
Just change your botbase to archybuddy, load your CC and plugins, hit start. See what happens Oh and have a flying mount.