I heard through the grapevine you can fish in WG and not be flagged. This means you can catch all the good fish and not have to worry about WG ques or opposition killing you while afk. Anyone know coordinates for this area and is it good for AFKing?
Ah I see now. Apparently you can fish on the border of Dragonblight and WG as long as your body is in Dragonblight you can cast into the WG waters! EPIC!
The best fish come out of WG because those are used to make fish feast. Glacial Salmon, Nettlefish and Muscleback Sculpin. They are also used to make some of the best stat food in the game. They sell well and so do the fests on some servers. Other servers I cant sell a stack of feast for 40g if I tried. Most people dont level cooking these days high enough to use them.