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  • Fix Request - Priest Healing Issue/ Attack Priority/Faerie Dragon

    Discussion in 'Hearthbuddy Support' started by ouzksk, Jul 3, 2014.

    1. ouzksk

      ouzksk New Member

      Jun 10, 2014
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      My priest is healing the Chillwind Yeti even it has full hp and that happened when I had 4 hp at the turn of 9 and I had certain lethal on next turn with Ragnaros and Sen'jin on the board. This happened more than few times, especially on Chillwind Yeti. On this turn it could even kill Elune with Sen'jin and heal it after it takes damage but instead it goes for heals first then attacks.

      Also there is another issue with the bot that it should attack first especially when the enemy has secret on his face, then it should heal or apply buffs. I have lost a Sen'jin with 2 cleric and 2 shield buffs returned to my hand for more mana cost.

      Another issue is the Faerie Dragon. The bot tries to cast spells on it until the time runs out. I face this issue with the Shadow Word:pain spell.It needs to be blacklisted or something.

      This is the false healing's turn log. IDK if it says anything.
      Checking hand cards priorities :
      Card Shattered Sun Cleric has a low priority
      Card Lesser Heal has a low priority
      Card Holy Nova must be ignored
      Card Knife Juggler has a normal priority
      Grabbing card: Knife Juggler

      Dropping currently held card!

      Checking hand cards priorities :
      Card Holy Nova must be ignored
      Card Lesser Heal has a normal priority
      Card Shattered Sun Cleric has a low priority
      Grabbing card: Lesser Heal

      Targeting card: Chillwind Yeti

      Checking hand cards priorities :
      Card Holy Nova must be ignored
      Card Shattered Sun Cleric has a normal priority
      Grabbing card: Shattered Sun Cleric

      Dropping currently held card!

      Targeting card: Sen'jin Shieldmasta

      Checking hand cards priorities :

      Attacking Rexxar with Chillwind Yeti

      Checking hand cards priorities :

      Attacking Priestess of Elune with Sen'jin Shieldmasta

      Checking hand cards priorities :

      Ending turn.

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