So I'm 450 alchemy and I've just made this permanent flask (1hr timer, but re-usable right after). Is there a way to make HB use the flask every so often so the buff stays up? I was thinking that perhaps you could make a "/use Mount /use Flask of the North" macro, but to my knowledge, HB does not use macros and instead useses just the plain abilities. Anyone smarter than me figured this out yet?
For pallies, if you use the flask of the north, either strength or spell power buff comes up. Should make it so that HB can detect (I don't even know if it's possible) the buff, if the flask is to be integrated into the plugin/system. Good request
try No promise that it works i have not gotten it to work yet - but that was before it was updated
Thanks guys, I will try it out and update this thread so anyone in the future searching can get an answer.