Code: [11:32:39 PM:153] Goal: Dismounting [11:32:39 PM:174] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 8345]: Dismounting [11:32:39 PM:175] Stop and dismount... [11:33:16 PM:271] Goal: Turning in A Not really sure what part of the log to enter it was just this. Flying mount stops right before the ground (Doesn't touch) and says it's going to dismount, but just sits there and does not move at all. Once I manually have it touch the ground it runs perfectly. Profile:Kicks 1-58(happened once) 68-80(happened once)
Nearly the same issue here.. [12:13:52:355] Dismounting for combat. [12:13:52:355] Stop and dismount... Reason: SetTarget Having this issue, when I'm in "flying mode" with my Mount (can be 1meter above the ground) and the bot wants to attack any mob... Then I've got the mob as my target and my char is flying 1m above the ground without attacking, nor dismounting... As soon as I'm dismounting by myself, it attacks the mob and everything is okay, but this already happened some times =/ I've got this issue often when I'm using the quest-profile in uldum and it wants to attack any mob under the water.. It's flying above the water and waiting for dismount.. Horrible for afk-botting
full logs plz