This profile is for completing the PREQUESTLINE leading UP TO the Golden Lotus dailies. On request I will happily do the dailies as well, however, this is ONLY for doing JUST the quests that lead up to the dailies themselves. You should either start the bot in The Jade Forest and it will fly to Binan Village on its' own, or just go to Binan Village manually and start the bot. This profile is for level 90 characters who have completed little or no quests, and HAVE FLY in Pandaria. Please report any bugs or issues with your profile completing the quest on this thread. KNOWN CAVEATS: The bot will stand in the black crap on the floor when fighting during the quest "A Celestial Experience". Just move your character during this quest. It is the second quest the bot does. After this the bot is COMPLETELY AFK-ABLE. Change Log V.1.0 Bug fixes V.0.9 Fixed previous update Truncated profile V.0.7 Added Alliance Compatibility V.0.2 Fixed NPC ID Typo 50480 to 58408
Remoting server started [Singular] Casting Battle Shout on Myself Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 50408 in database. Bot Stopped! Reason: Could not create current in quest bot! what exactly happened here
Might want to put a few If/Then's in there. If someone has done, say 1 or 2 of the starting quests already, this profile will get stuck trying to re-pickup those quests. Also, be careful on A Celestial Experience, as the insides of those buildings around there have poor pathing, and may get stuck trying to get out. (Some of the smaller buildings mostly, the big one you're in could be ok) Another bit too is that this profile does not support Alliance characters. All quests listed are the Horde equivalents. You could add in a Me.IsAlliance predicate, and the alliance versions, and you'll be near complete. Keep in mind too, if someone faction changes part way thru, you could run into issues with some being completed on the opposite side (this issue has been a pain in my ass on my Pre-Req profile) Good job so far, keep up the good work! EDIT: If you install BarryDurex's Pandaria Dailies v2 plugin (that he and I have been compiling in tandem) it will auto avoid the black stuff on the ground you mentioned. Also, you could probably remove the determination of "Am I in Binan Village" and just have it fly there if you do not have the starting quest regardless.
Hey thanks for the heads up on the alliance equivalents. I didn't realize it had two versions. I'll be sure to go through and do a second version for alliance. Second, I'm pretty sure the way the questing bot works is it check for character quest completion on startup, so it should never attempt to pickup quests the character has already done before if their character has already done it prior.
Many a bugs in my prereqs profile were from bad If expressions leading to trying to pickup a quest that did not exist or an NPC that was no longer there. It might parse what you have and have not done already, but a <PickUp> command does not differentiate from had or have not had yet. You'll need an <If Condition="!HasQuest() && !IsQuestCompleted()"> to be positive. Best way to test, try and run it on a character that has already done it, and see if he heads to your first quest. Oh and to make 1 profile, 2 factions, just put the two pickups side by side, each one with a <If Condition="Me.IsAlliance && (!HasQuest() && !IsQuestCompleted())"> (or Horde) check. That way you don't need to redo the whole thing for the two factions. has all the quests, if you go to the horde one, and it has an alliance quest with the same name it will show up near the bottom under the tab "See Also"
Not sure if wrong upload, or missing something...but this profile contains no alliance compatibility over the previous.
That's weird. I added it, and saved it, and then when I just looked at it it's not there. I'll get to it later again. I'm sorry about that.
Any way to make this normal mount-able, i just dinged 89 and would like to use this to help towards lv 90 while getting the dailies ready at the same time. =)