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  • For those want some curse trigger on group of mobs and not only on rare/uniques

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by tragopapas, Mar 24, 2014.

    1. tragopapas

      tragopapas New Member

      Mar 9, 2014
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      this is the code :

      RegisterCurse("Critical Weakness", "curse_critical_weakness", ret => NumberOfMobsNear(BestTarget, 40, 3));

      you can replace the curse with any curse you like.40 is how many "units" from the target you are gonna hit will cound the "3" wich are the monsters that need to be near your target to cast the curse

      so in my case is 40 units from my target and must be at least 3 monsters 40 units from the target(cant make it more clear)

      p.s the code must be above the original curse you are gonna change

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