My only problem is he won't use Trap Launcher. I mean, he'll use the spell but won't launch any traps regardless if trap in combat is click or not.
I'm having probs with targetings pets >.<
Anyone know to to fix these cc's to face the target when questing etc? FPS been afk for weeks![]()
after every node gathered , it gave me this error in Debug :"[8:21:10 PM:479] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Hera.Fpsware.Pulse() in c:\Honorbuddy_2.0.0.5198\CustomClasses\Fpsware Hunter [7-06-2011]\Class Specific\Misc\CC.cs:line 70
at Styx.WoWPulsator.Pulse(PulseFlags flags)
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Tick()
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run() "
something wrong? i just downloaded this CC and it seems it doesnt stop gathering or anything , but didnt have a chance to see it in combat until now.
Can someone post here CC settings so my hunter would make some decent dps? I've tried all CC's available and either they don't work at all, or do a couple of shots and stand. Basically they do 4 to 10 times less damage than the rest of the party consisting of bots. I have BM and MM specs, both have tragic dps.
kickazz you sexy coder, is there any way to get the CC to not Disengage me off cliffsis there a sensor that senses when it is safe? if not could you implement one?
I deleted my previous file and created a new to use the trunk and now the class options do not work with this.
I tried to revert to the downloaded file, but again it does not work.
Log attached
[29 08 2011]
Plenty of bug fixes and tweaks.
Changed: Small rotation tweak, most people won't notice any difference.
Fixed: Line of sight issue when moving to get range. Will now check LoS from the target's location instead of your locaiton.
Thanks for the update.
Got a couple things and maybe it's just me but it seems to body pull more now and even with pull distance at 30+? Maybe that's HB idk.
It doesn't seem to move away from mob to get out of melee range like it use to? All it will do is disengage or fd but I will stand there hitting it with melee weapons if disengage is on CD?
In beast mastery don't know about others but setting will not save. I FD on low health on main screen and beast mastery setting and hit save and when I open BM again it is back on aggro & health. Log enclosed.. Leveling a new hunter.
The log you've attached indicates you are in PVP, not PVE. Can you test it in PVE and attach the fresh log file please.
I've been testing this CC over the last few days and its not faulted once; nor can I see any errors in your log file.
When you say its not saving the Beast Mastery settings; you mean the drop down menu at the bottom? Using that drop down menu it will only load the settings from a template, it dose not save your changes to that template.