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  • Fpsware's RAF Bot

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by fpsware, Feb 19, 2014.

    1. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Caveat: RAF Bot Is considered a beta release, as such you likely will experience undesired behaviors and/or results.

      Disclaimer: By using RAF Bot and/or posting in this thread you agree to the following conditions:
      1) it is incomplete and as such may not produce the results as described in this thread. 2) You have read the first 2 posts in detail. 3) If you are in need of support you are REQUIRED to attach the relevant HB log file. 4) Failure to attach a log file may result in public ridicule and/or a barrage of personal abuse highlighting your inability to follow basic instructions. 5) Anything else I decide at a future point in time as I see fit. 6) All your bases are belong to me 7) The disclaimer text is not too small and it is perfectly readable.

      What is RAF Bot?
      RAF Bot is a feature rich multi-character bot base capable of fulfilling the specific needs of those who want cohesive behavior in a party relationship. To put it another way, RAF Bot allows you to fulfill your multibotting requirements by enabling your follower(s) to assist a leader, in combat, with questing and follow them where ever they go.

      RAF Bot can also be used as an alternative to LazyRaider & RaidBot in that it will provide full combat support utilizing what ever combat routine you use, as well as assisting and following the group tank, or virtually anyone else in the group if you so choose.

      OMFG There is so much to read can you give me the basics of RAF Bot?
      It does not use profiles of any kind.
      It does not support full AFK use.
      It should work with almost all combat routines that are designed for PVE use.

      • At minimum they MUST support the following routine behaviors: PULL, COMBAT
      • Ideally they will support all the following routine behaviors: PULL, COMBAT, REST, HEAL, PRECOMBATBUFF, PULLBUFF
      All navigation is handled by HB's Navigator and Flightor. This bot base does not implement its own navigation system.
      RAF Bot is not just designed to be used with followers / slaves, you can use it on your leader or solo if you wish.
      Ideally the leade
      r is played by hand of controlled by a non-automated bot base, similar, but not limited to the following bot bases.

      • RAF Bot
      • Lazy Raider
      • Tyreal
      • Combat Bot
      • Raid Bot

      Is there going to be a lot of shit I need to read or can I just download and use it?

      What do you think?!

      Without further adieu lets get this party started!

      Below you will find a number of screen shots, plenty of text and the occasional link to a YouTube video explaining specific RAF Bot features in more detail. I spent a lot of time working on this so please take the time to review it. Also, I'm handing out free cookies if you do so.

      Installation Instructions
      The attached ZIP file will include 2 folders, the first is my default library which is used by all my bot bases and combat routines, the other is RAF Bot itself. Extract the contents of the ZIP file into your HB Bots folder. When done properly your HB folder will look similar to the below image.

      REQUIREMENT: RAF Bot utilizes features of .NET 4.5 as such you must have this installed. .NET 4.5 can be download this from Microsoft's website using THIS LINK.

      NOTE: If you have any of my previous works installed you may have a folder called Fpsware 1-Lbirary V1 in your Bots folder. Do not remove it as it may break other projects. Version 2 and version 1 of this library can co-exist together. In due course I will be migrating all of my work over to the version 2 library. Also, RAF Bot has a built-in updater and will intermittently check the online updates. But RAF Bot and the library will be updated when you run it for the first time.

      View attachment 120731

      For the love of God please don't reply with something like, "it won't work", "it does not appear in the bot list", "I can't install it". If it didn't work I wouldn't be releasing it would I.

      1. Have you installed .NET 4.5 like I mentioned above?
      2. Have you installed it properly, does your HB folder look similar to the above image?

      Configuration of the FOLLOWER (first time use)

      This will show you the basics of setting up RAF Bot on the follower. Some assumptions are made: such as your leader is already online and near the follower, your leader will be played by hand and you will be questing. After spending the last 20 minutes typing out text and adding screenshots I decided it would be easier just to make a quick YouTube video.

      Watch this YouTube video for full instructions OR Watch this YouTube video for a 30 second quick setup guide without my voice commentary

      It should look similar to this image when setup properly. Important settings to take note of:

      Leader: It is preferable to select your leader from the drop down list rather than using the [Automatic] option.
      Targeting: If you are the follower / slave this should ALWAYS be set to Assist Leader.
      Movement: I recommend using Full Combat Movement. NB: When using this option you should disable all movement in your combat routine.

      View attachment 120932

      Configuration of the LEADER
      In order to get the most our of RAF Bot I suggest running it on your leader, the character you will be controlling yourself. In doing so you have access to some nifty advanced features. The default settings should be ideal for the leader as they are; you don't need to assign the Leader in the UI and you don't need to change the Targeting setting.

      Some advanced options when running RAF Bot on the leader:

      RAF Bot Communicaiton (RBC): This setting is located on the Advanced tab in the RAF Bot Communications group box. Change the setting Use RBC to Server, you can only run 1 RBC server per network, attempting to run more than 1 will result in issues. With the server enabled on the leader you can now enable the Client on the followers / slaves. I will go into more detail about RBC and all its features later on.

      Common [tab]
      For the most part, this has been covered above in some detail so I won't go into this too much. Almost all settings will display tooltips when you hover over them, this is a quick and easy way to discover what these settings do.

      View attachment 120935

      Combat Routine Behaviors [tab]
      This allows your to toggle on and off various behaviors in your currently used combat routine. Some routines work better with RAF Bot than others, enabling or disabling some behaviors may allow you to work around such limitations or incompatibilities.

      View attachment 120936

      Pull: This setting will determine if the pull behavior logic in your combat routine is going to be used. The pull behavior logic will be run when the character has a target valid for combat.

      Looting & Harvesting [tab]
      All settings on this tab are self explanatory.

      View attachment 120937

      Questing [tab]
      Questing settings can be very involved and power when used properly.

      View attachment 120938

      Pickup Quests: When enabled will pickup quests if the leader is targeting an NPC with available quests.
      • [Additional Setting] Auto Pickup Quests: If the character is with [Max Distance] of an NPC with available quests it will automatically move to, and pick all available quests. I personally set this distance to ~50 yards.

      Turn in Quests: When enabled will turn in quests if the leader is targeting an NPC with completed quests.
      • [Additional Setting] Auto Turn in Quests: If the character is with [Max Distance] of an NPC with completed quests it will automatically move to, and turn in all available quests. I personally set this distance to ~50 yards.
      • [Additional Setting] Choose Reward: Self explanatory, it will choose the most appropriate reward.

      Advanced Features: This allows for more autonomous control of the characters

      • Collect Game Object: The character will pickup / harvest any quest related game objects. Eg, collect 5 x Wood Bundles; the character will automatically move to and harvest these if within range
      • Kill Objective Target: Mobs related to Kill quests will automatically be pulled and killed.

      Dungeons [tab]
      For now this is rather limited but over time more features will be added. All settings here are self explanatory.

      View attachment 120939

      Grinder [tab]
      Grinder is a very powerful and feature rich grind bot option. Wnat to grind something quickly and easily, but don't want to use HB's Grind Bot where you need to create profiles? Well this little baby is exactly what you want.
      You can not load or save profiles with Grinder. You set it up as needed.

      How do I setup Grinder?

      Step 1. Ensure the setting User Grinder is Disabled. When this setting is Enabled it is effectively in automated "go kill shit mode" and if you're trying to setup things while this is happen it won't go well.
      Step 2. Add your hotspots.
      Step 3. Add your mobs.
      Step 4. Change other settings as needed.
      Step 5. set Use Grinder to Enabled. To stop Grinder, simply set it to Disabled, or toggle the key binding associated with it.

      View attachment 120940

      Hotspots: These are the locations around where you want to move to find mobs, if no mobs are within range of your current hotspot it will move to the next one.
      Mobs: To add a mob simply target a valid combat target and click the Add button.
      Max Pull Distance: This is the maximum distance a valid mob can be from any hotspot.
      Event Triggers: [explanation coming at a later date]

      Encounter Logic [tab]
      This is the special sauce! Encounter logic allows you to define actions based on hostile spell casting, auras, or even just on a given mob being alive and present.
      NB: Already included is Timeless Isle combat logic for most mobs. Encounter logic does not move out of "hostile void zones" (bad shit on the ground)

      View attachment 120942

      Below is an existing encounter logic for a mob on Timeless Isle

      View attachment 120944

      Source Target: Options are AnyHostileNearyBy, IsMyCurrentTarget, IsTargetingMe
      • AnyHostileNearBy: Any hostile target in visible range ~150 yards
      • IsMyCurrentTarget: This mob must be your current target
      • IsTargetingMe: This mob must be targeting you.

      Query Against: Options are SpellCast, Aura, Mob
      • SpellCasting: When a specific spell is being cast by the Source Target
      • Aura: When your Source Target has a specific aura
      • Mob: When a specific mob is present

      NB: Most other settings will change dependant on the option you choose for Query Against

      Encounter Actions:
      Options are: CastSpell, MoveBehindCaster, MoveToLeader, RunToDistance, StopCasting, UseItem
      • CastSpell: Cast a specific spell
      • MoveBehindCaster: Move behind the mob
      • MoveToLeader: Move to the leader's location
      • RunToDistance: Move to a specific distance away from the mob
      • StopCasting: Stop casting
      • UseItem: Use an item from your inventory

      Key Bindings [tab]
      There are 2 types of key bindings, local and global. Local key bindings are only active when they are pressed from the currently active WoW window. Global key bindings are only valid when pressed from the LEADER's WoW window and are broadcast via RBC to all followers / slaves. Global key bindings requires RBC to be enabled on both the leader and followers / slaves.

      View attachment 120945

      Miscellaneous [tab]
      Most of these settings are self explanatory.

      View attachment 120946

      Ghost Run: If you die, and after you have MANUALLY hit the release corpse button, it will run back to your body's location. It will NOT rez for you, you must click the button yourself, this is by design.

      Advanced [tab]

      View attachment 120947

      Automatically Update: I suggest this feature always remain enabled as it will ensure you are running the latest build of FAR Bo
      RAF Bot Communication (RBC): An advanced feature that allows inter-bot communication accross a LAN. You must be running the Server on the leaderr, you can run as many clients as you wish. RBC is used for the following:

      • Clients can obtain the leader's location if the leader is out of range. I tested this accross an entire continent and the slave moved to the leader's location just fine. It took a good 20 minutes to ride all the way :)
      • Global key bindings are sent from the leader to the followers / slaves
      • LOTS more to come in the future!
    2. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Frequently Asked Questions
      Before posting please take the time to review the FAQs. Someone else may have already asked the same question, and it should be answered here.

      Do not send me personal messages asking for support. If you want support you MUST post in this thread. If you PM me for support I will add you to my ignore list.

      Q: I need help, can I PM you or contact you on Skype?
      A: No!

      Q: Can I run the leader on Quest Bot and the follower(s) on RAF Bot?
      A: No. Because Quest Bot is a solo fully automated bot base and is not designed to be dependent on other party members.

      Q: Can I AFK with this?
      A: No. RAF Bot is not designed for AFK use.

      Q: I am playing the leader by hand can I still use RAF Bot Communications feature (RBC)?
      A: No. The leader must be running RAF Bot and setup as the server for RBC to work. Think of it like running Raid Bot or Combat Bot, you still control the movement and such but RAF Bot does the combat and other nifty stuff.

      Q: I use another bot base but I like the Encounter Logic in RAF Bot, can I use this with another bot base?
      A: No.
    3. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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    4. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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    5. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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    6. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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    7. Cicrocoft

      Cicrocoft New Member

      Aug 15, 2010
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      Hi fpsware,

      When I see your encounter logic, I am thinking 5man and raids :D But would it be possible to add something like "if MeHitBySpellId -> do that"

      And also if possible add an encounter action that will interact with an object within xx yards.

      Thinking Scholo and that skeleton boss (rattlegore?) in there, among others.

      I know you have written that your dungeon part is under dev. But this is just a suggestion.

      Anyways +1 :) Can't wait to use this to its full extent :)
    8. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      These are all good ideas.
    9. toNyx

      toNyx Well-Known Member

      Oct 29, 2011
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      I Would add to this :

      - Me.CurrentTarget.Clear() after killing the leeader's target !
      - Melee Combat Range a bit decreased, seems like my rogue isn't in range of any attacks. (Even with singular's shit disabled)

      Anyway, awesome work ! ;) Keep it up
    10. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      What movement configurations have you tried?

      Option 1. In RAF Bot, enable full combat movement, in the CC disable all movement.
      Option 2. In RAF Bot, select non-combat movement only, in the CC enable movement.

      I just tested a Rogue with Singular and it worked fine.
    11. toNyx

      toNyx Well-Known Member

      Oct 29, 2011
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      Did option 1 (as in the video) will try with the 2
    12. Cicrocoft

      Cicrocoft New Member

      Aug 15, 2010
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      Hmm, was thinking about rattlegore. It should properly be something like if me no buff/debuff & objectID is within xx range -> Interact with object.

      Not sure if the aura covers the first part?

      Still thinking of Scholo, we would need something that would: IfMeTeleported -> Fight your way to the leader (last boss)

      Sorry, I'll stop now before this is turning into an barnstorming session. My fingers want to work with this though :D Ill get on it as soon as I get home in 3 weeks :

    13. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I can add support for interacting with specific objects.

      Have you tested this in Scholo and checked for the Aura?

      This is far beyond the scope of this project. If you want this type of specific encounter behavior I suggest using DB.
    14. Cicrocoft

      Cicrocoft New Member

      Aug 15, 2010
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      Ill have a look.

      Ye, thought of that afterwards. Hoped this would sort of replace it a little. Wish DB had your interface...
      Sorry for that :)

      Thanks fpsware :)
    15. billonis

      billonis New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Questing issue

      I have an issue where the slave keeps trying to get the quest even though he already has it.
      Keeps clicking the npc dialog over and over again,the only way to stop this from happening is to disable the turn in quest/pick up quests option in the config.
    16. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      My answer to this is literally in the first 2 lines in the first post.
    17. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      How is everyone getting on with this?

      Any feedback would be appreciated.
    18. Tocsin

      Tocsin New Member

      Nov 11, 2013
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      I used this over the weekend. It works better than the other version for questing.(Almost set it and forget it)
      One thing I noticed but dont know if you even coded for it..but in the night elf starting area.. You have the quests that you click on the vial in your inventory while standing in the water.. It doesn't do it by itself when the leader goes in the water.

      I will double check my settings when I get home from work.

      Thanks for your work!!
    19. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      This is not within the scope of the project. RAF Bot is not a fully automated questing bot, as such automatic use of inventory items is not implemented.
    20. maverick1967rg

      maverick1967rg New Member

      Sep 19, 2013
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      Leader wants to follow slave

      View attachment 121361 I seem to have a problem with setting up RAF leader and slave. I reread the setup instructions to see where I may have gone wrong but it seems as if I did it correctly, the problem I have is the Leader wants to follow the slave and the slave does nothing. View attachment 121360

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