Hi there I have been using some lifetime keys for over 2 years now and all of the sudden it show as fraudulent at buddy auth and when i try to log in hb. Please assist! Regards Loyal buddy user
Would there be a way to speed up this process? Its been 24 hours already and I am not getting any response from support after sending an email.
Still not resolved! Going for 48 hours now and not getting any response from support! Can any one assist? Tony just refers me to support, but it doesn't seem like there is any one there?
How is that possible??? I have receipts where I paid for it! Or should I perhaps take it up at small claims!? In my opinion if youre de-activating my keys and marking them fraudulent for no good reason is daylight robbing!!! I have used this keys over and over and all the sudden you want to tell me there is nothing you can do about it? Is there a forum where I can escalate this issue? Do I need to send you all my receipts? Tell me how the hell can you say its fraudulent? On what basis? I paid for your keys! Are you thiefs?
http://postimg.org/gallery/33a7we62u/7f1313b3/ Follow link to see proof of payment! So how can it be fraud if I paid! Youre are steeling from me!
If I did something wrong on my behalf, I'm not sure what it was, but de-activating all my keys without investigating the issues is absurd! I paid a lot of money and have been supporting you guys and the store. I think this should be properly investigated and the route cause is certainly not fraudulent behavior! Common guys, is this really the way to treat a paying customer?
don't use stolen credit cards or charge back the purchase trying to get it for free. Don't pretend nothing is wrong.
Chargebacks considered 'fraud' by most payment providers Hi, Duskmaker, Phelon and Mashiyuu are spot on—almost every payment provider on the internet today will put you on an internal 'fraud list', if you do a 'chargeback'. Well over 90% of chargebacks are fraudulent. We're not saying this is your case, but you should be aware of the consequences of actions you may take. This post explains the problem in more detail. Not only is current activity affected, but any previously purchased 'ongoing services' cleared through that payment provider are considered fradulent, and terminated as a consequence. Since Buddy bots are not a stand-alone product, but a client-server architecture, it is an 'ongoing service'. You see this same anti-fraud behavior from all online merchants, including Bliz's payment providers. If you reverse a charge (say, via Paypal), then Bliz terminates ALL accounts associated with that form of payment—not just the account that raised the dispute. Again, these are nothing more than normal anti-fraud measures employed by payment providers world-wide. Only the Bossland 'front office' at support@thebuddyforum.com can assist you or answer questions in this matter. The forum Support staff do not have access to the user account info or the tools to help you. As such, we're closing this thread. If you would like to try again to explain things to the 'front office', that is up to you. cheers, chinajade