Hey there guys & girls, iv'e made my own grinding profile for the Isle of Giants in Pandaria because none really worked out for me here on the forum. If there may be any problems tell me and i will try fixing it. thx everyone and enjoy the profile.
Few things: Target max level, shouldn't that be 90? The vendor usablewhen is superfluous (and btw each faction has different vendors on the island), maxlevel isn't needed, you can't fly on the island so nav="fly" is also superfluous, and this isn't a nitpick but interesting you went for randomise when some people prefer to do the usual circle around the island. Otherwise good job, I'd use it if I didn't already have it
Hello Rabbit112, It's no problem I love to be confronted with my faults or questions for my picks. I’ve made an upgrade on the profile it seems to work fine; I had no problems so far. name is CyberXaviers-Grinding_Isle-Of-The-Giants_V2 Improvements + Explanation: - Target max/min level was set to default so I wouldn’t mess to much with the profile but it is fixed now and set to 1/101 which should make it possible to use the vendor. - I’ve added the Horde vendor, I did forget about him because I usually play alliance and not horde. I’m really sorry for that mistake. - Nav=”fly” is just there to be sure the profile wouldn’t try to mount and fly, I had some issues with that which result was that my toon was standing and watching the sky… So that’s why I did add that line. - The fact that I use random target hotspots is that I believe it would make it harder for blizzard to track down that you actually are using a bot. It is just a safe precaution to avoid getting banned.